Come Back Home

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Upon ending the call, nagmadali akong pumunta sa condo namin.. dati.

No matter how many times I run away, I'd still go back to when it was us. But now, it feels so wrong, yet sounds so right.

Pagdating ko, I was greeted by the dark interiors because the lights were off. I switched them on and roamed my eyes around. It was quite messy here.

Hindi ko muna pinansin ang mga kalat and went to the bedroom. I'm sure Y/N is in there.

There I saw her, tucked in a comforter, sleeping. Naupo ako sa tabi niya and gently patted her.

"Y/N, I'm here,"

She slowly opened her eyes and curved her lips into a small smile. "What are you doing here, Trish?"

"Maxine told me you're not feeling well, so I came."

Y/N let out a weak chuckle, "Ay nako, Maxine. Ang daldal."

"Nagugutom ka ba?" I worriedly asked.


"I'll take that as a yes."

I went out of the room and searched for a basin to fill with lukewarm water. Kumuha rin ako ng bimpo sa mga drawers niya.

I went back inside the bedroom and placed the basin on the nightstand, dunking the towel in.

Pagkapiga ko ay ipinunas ko ito sa mga braso niya. I soaked it again and placed it on her forehead.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked.

"Shh. Just rest."

I left her for a while to let her nap. Then, I went to the kitchen to prepare her food.

I made her soup and cooked her rice. I also prepped some fruits and stored them inside the fridge to prolong freshness.

Kilala ko 'tong si Y/N, she doesn't like her food too hot, nor too cold kaya hinayaan ko munang mag-cooldown ang init nito for a bit.

Inayos ko 'yung kalat sa sala and the mess on the dining area, too. Ayoko namang pakilusin siya paggaling niya, baka mabinat at ikapagod lang niya.

Hindi naman gano'n karami 'yung kalat kaya mabilis naman akong natapos. Buti mainit-init pa 'yung pagkain.

I served the soup and a little portion of rice— because Y/N likes to enjoy mushroom soups with konting rice —on a bowl and on a small plate.

Kumuha rin ako ng isang basong tubig along with the medicine for her fever then went back inside the bedroom.

After helping her eat and drink her meds, she rested her back on the headboard. She was staring at the window.

Then she asked me the same question she had earlier, "Why are you doing this, Tricia?"

To be honest, I don't know. When Maxine told me Y/N wasn't feeling well, I just found myself rushing on the way here to check up on her.

She repeated the same question for the third time, looking at me in the eye. Her stare was filled with pain, sadness, and unexplainable hatred.

I sighed, "I'm sorry."

Tears escaped from her eyes as she sobbed. Unti-unti akong binabalot ng guilt.

I am the reason she's crying, I am the reason she's hurt, and I am aware of that. Napayuko na lang ako.

"Can't you just come back?"

That question made me look at her again, pain evident in her voice.

"Sorry.." I apologized, again.

"Is sorry all you can say?" She continued to sob. I didn't know what I was thinking, but I pulled her in for a hug as tears started to blur my sight.

Her grip tightened on my shirt, while her tears slowly soaked it wet.

"Am I not home anymore?" You still are, Y/N. "Ano bang nagawa ko?"

You did nothing, Y/N. I chose to leave.

Minutes later, you stopped crying. You dried your tears at muling tumingin sa kawalan.

"You can leave now, Tricia. Thank you for taking care of me."

I stood up and looked at you one last time. Then I started to walk out of the bedroom, leaving you all by yourself again.

 Then I started to walk out of the bedroom, leaving you all by yourself again

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(illustration by saintjackson; do not repost !)

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