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Tricia's got this 'weird' little habit where she would sniff my neck at random times. It's something I would always cringe at but feel so much butterflies, too.

Mapa may kasama o wala, she does this everytime. Kaharap man sila Ate Aika o hindi.

I don't even know if I smell like sweat or what whenever she would smell me. I always pray I don't smell that way or it would be too embarrassing.

I'm at the dining area at the moment, busy with load of paperworks. I shouldn't be bringing this home as what me and Tricia agreed to, but I had to.

She's busy washing the dishes at the kitchen, we just had dinner a while ago.

"Y/N, I'm done." Like a kid telling her mom she finished her assignments, Tricia does these kind of things, too.

"Alright. Sit beside me, my love."

I find it cute, something I don't expect from a brave doctor like her. She becomes strict and professional during her shift, but she's soft like a baby when she gets home.

You will just adore her so much.

Coming out of the kitchen, Tricia sits beside me with a bag of sliced bread on hand. "Soooo.. what are we doing here?"

"Bunch of paperworks. I'm sorry if I brought these home, I have to finish this by tomorrow. I'm not even past half of it." I explained.

She hummed as response. This girl beside me was already munching on her bread while watching me type endlessly.

I was focused on the documents on the screen when Tricia sniffed my neck, I told y'all, she's so random. *cries internally*

I lost focus when she left a smol kiss on my temple. Hay, Tricia, the things you do to me.

I looked at her.

"What?" She asked.

Umiling-iling ako and continued my work, lips slowly forming a smile.

"You look so stressed, love. I think my Y/N deserved a kiss so I gave her one."

I chuckled. "Do I?"


9:37 pm.

"You're not done yet?" Tricia asked. She just finished taking a shower.

"No po."

She hummed and left a kiss on my head, "'Wag ipilit kapag hindi na kaya, ha? You have to rest."

I nodded. Malapit naman na 'kong matapos. A few papers more and I'll be done with this work.

A few moments later, Tricia came back and sat beside me again. Her elbow was on the table while her head rested on her palm. I can see her staring at me from my peripheral vision.

"How about you, Trish? Hindi ka pa ba inaantok?"

"Nope. I'd still like to see you work." She replied.

"Hindi mo naman ako kailangang hintayin. If you feel sleepy na, you can go to sleep already."

"I'm fine, Y/N. I want to see you work." She insisted.

Wala naman akong nagawa kundi hayaan siya. Hindi ko naman siya mapipilit na matulog if she doesn't feel like sleeping yet.

Might as well have her beside me.

She's currently scrolling through her Facebook feed. Medyo nakakawala ng antok 'yung mga sounds from the videos she's watching, but it was not disturbing either.

And as if she's reading my mind, she asked me, "Hala, sorry. Does the sound disturb you?"

Agad naman akong umiling. "No, no, it's fine. Nakakawala rin naman siya ng antok, so it's fine."

"Pero tell me if it ever disturbs you, ha. I'll turn the volume down." I nodded.

10:22 pm.

I finally finished the last document. Whoo!

I closed the files one by one then turned off my computer. Sa wakas, natapos rin.

I looked at Tricia, who is still beside me. Nakakaidlip na siya sa upuan niya.

I took her phone na malapit niya nang mabitawan at nilapag ito sa table. I gently patted her, "Trish, Trish. Hey,"

Agad naman siyang dumilat, eyes so sleepy, "Hmm?"

"Let's go to bed na, I'm done." I told her.


Her half-asleep self stood up and went to the bedroom, hindi man lang ako hinintay nito.

Anyway, I cleaned up the mess on the table and went to the bedroom. I grabbed my towel and took a quick shower before going to bed.

Pagkatapos kong gawin ang mga dapat gawin ay nahiga na 'ko sa tabi ni Tricia.

Himbing ng tulog, bes.

I snuggled on to her and closed my eyes. I felt her hug back then we finally fell asleep.

 I felt her hug back then we finally fell asleep

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(art by saintjackson; do not repost !)


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