Kiss Here

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So, there's this filter na nauuso sa Tiktok. I decided to try it with Tricia.

A little note: She's a bit grumpy today, meron siguro 'to. Kidding.

"Psst, hey," I called her attention. She was just sitting beside me but she's busy watching Netflix.


"Can you do something for me?"

Kinailangan ko pang magpacute para pansinin ako nito. I can feel that she's not in the mood to do anything, but I wanted to try.

"Ano 'yun?" She asked me back, still focused on the TV.

"A Tiktok filter." She hummed.

She may look crabby today, but I guess she was willing to try out that filter. She paused the movie she was watching and placed down the snack she was eating on the coffee table in front.

I set up my camera and clicked on that filter I wanted to try with Tricia. It was called 'Kiss Here'.

"What's that?" tanong ng katabi ko, obviously curious.

"It's this filter where it randomly chooses a spot on my face where my partner's going to kiss me," I pointed out that kiss mark.

"Oh, so I'll be kissing you wherever it lands, huh?"

I said yes then proceeded to start recording the video. The audio started to play, and the filter started to do its thing. It landed on my chin, nice.

Tricia laughed and asked me, "Ikikiss ko ba talaga 'yang baba mo?"

"I-I don't know I—" she went to actually kiss my chin, shutting me off.

"Isa pa nga," utos niya.


"Let's try again, I like that game." Tricia repeated, flashing that cheeky grin.

I said okay and started the video again. But this time, sa kanya naman nakatapat ang filter. It then landed on her right cheek.

"Buti pa sa 'yo, sa cheek," I complained.

"Okay lang 'yan. Ikaw naman ang hahalik," Pabiro ko siyang inirapan and proceeded to kiss her cheek.

Slowly enjoying the game, Tricia asked for another round. She took my phone and itinapat sa akin 'yung camera. We took turns, and kung saan-saan niya ako kini-kiss. Palibhasa kasi matino 'yung nakukuha niya, grrr.

Nagtawanan lang kami while using the filter. Her grumpy self today started to fade away, bringing back the joyous, funny Tricia, her usual self.

After that filter game, I asked her something.

"Is today a red day for you? Sungit mo kanina, eh."


a quick selfie

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a quick selfie

(illustration by saintjackson; do not repost !)

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