Aru on a mission Part 1

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Aru Shah was bored. 

Like, really really REALLY bored.

She was sitting on her bed with her science homework in front of her, but she paid it no attention. Aru fiddled with Vajra, who was at bracelet form on her wrist. She sighed and looked out the window only to see the one and only...

Aiden Acharya. His window was open and he stood in front of it, his back facing the window. Aru could see the sun shining on him and emboldening the sleek black curls on his head. Why doesn't the sun ever do that to me?  she thought for the millionth time. 

Then Aiden walked away from the open window and Aru noticed him placing Shadowfax on the empty table beside him. As Aiden walked out of his room, a sneaky plan began to form in Aru's mind. She smiled as she thought Vajra! Hoverboard. 

Aru then did something that even Brynne wouldn't have approved of. 

Aru opened her window and jumped out of it feet-first and her feet thudded onto Vajra. She swerved Vajra over to Aiden's open window and right when she was about to hover parallel to his window, she started to stretch her arm out. She had to time this just right. As Vajra inched closer and closer to Aiden's window, Aru's arm stretched out even more until her fingers grasped an object. A camera, to be precise. 

Aru grabbed the camera and sped away. While she was speeding away, she heard a deep velvet-laced voice call out, "SHAH! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING? GET BACK HERE!" 

Aru reached her window and flew through, ending the journey on Vajra by jumping onto her bed. She moved to close her window, but not before she heard Aiden yell at her again.

"I SWEAR IF YOU HUR..." Aru slammed the window shut and breathed a sigh of relief. Now she could get to the tea. Aru turned on Shadowfax, and it opened to three horizontal lines in a row. Below the lines, there was a phrase written in size 2 font that said, "3-digit alphabetical passcode."

Aru groaned.

So this was my first time writing, and I hope it wasn't too bad. This particular one-shot will be continued later. TY.

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