Wheee, an adventure!

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Aru and her fellow Potatoes were going to go camping. The whole thing had been Rudy's idea, since he had always wanted to see "the mortal wonders of sleeping in the outdoors." Aru personally didn't like camping. She would've preferred to watch movies and snuggle with a blanket on the couch any day. But no, they had to spend the night in cramped sleeping bags in small tents somewhere random in the wilderness.

Aru wasn't looking forward to it. She had only agreed to come when Rudy promised her 5 bags of Swedish Fish. The date they had all agreed on going was tomorrow. Well at least tonight I can get some sleep, thought Aru, but I am not going to be able to fall asleep tomorrow.

To Aru, it felt like she had blinked and then been dreaming. She was dreaming about plant-stalking people at Home Depot, when 2 identical faces appeared in front of her. Aru jumped back in surprise before seeing the twins, Sheela and Nikita. 

"Wheee, an adventure!" Sheela exclaimed, clapping her hands together. "We're going camping!"

"With Rudy, of all people." said Nikita, apathetically. 

"I won't be able to sleep, though! The owls and stuff will be too noisy, and I hate sleeping bags. There's never enough leg room!" complained Aru.

"But won't it be fun? Rudy said it'll be the best time of our lives." Sheela asked.

"And you believed him?" Nikita replied.

"The best time of our lives? It'll be more like 'Potatoes! Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.'" added Aru. Sheela giggled.

"Really Shah?" asked Brynne, now part of the dream. "It's just one night. We're tough enough to survive it!" 

"But what about the mosquitoes and the wild animals making noises at night? What if a bear comes and raids Rudy's tent, and takes all 5 bags of my Swedish Fish? And I won't be able to sleep in a sleeping bag!" cried Aru.

"Stop thinking so negatively, Aru," said Mini gently, "Everything will be okay! You'll have a great time!"

"No I won't."

"And Rudy will be there." Mini said dreamily.

"He's gonna play the main role in ruining the trip." Nikita muttered. 

Sheela elbowed her sister. "Shh!"

"Aru! Aru wake up!" Aru heard a distant voice.

"Uh oh, I think that's my mom waking me up. See you guys tonight." said Aru.

Mini waved. "Don't worry, it'll all be okay!" 

Aru opened her eyes a crack and looked at her clock. It was 7:00 A.M. "Mom! Why did you have to wake me up this early?"

"You still haven't finished your science homework. It's due on Monday, so you only have the rest of today to work on it! Once you finish it, you can sleep all you want." said Aru's mom.

"But mom, I won't be able to fall asleep after-" started Aru.

"No ifs, ands, or buts. I want that homework completed, Aru."

"Fine." Aru grumbled.

I'll do a second part of this (maybe even more parts if I need to) detailing the camping trip. Hopefully Aru will like it, though. And there might be a MinixRudy moment too, I'm still debating on including it... Hope you all are doing well!

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