Mango Lassi do be good tho

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Hira was having a bad day. 

Since she lived with Mini now, she had to share a bathroom with Mini and Mini's brother. When she finally got to have her turn this morning, she slipped on the bathroom floor and hit the back of her head. 

She later figured out that Mini's brother had spilled soap on the bathroom floor, but hadn't bothered to clean it up. Thankfully, her head wasn't injured too badly, according to Mini. There was just a huge bump where she had hit her head. It felt like the size of a golf ball, but Mini had reassured her that it was small and barely noticeable.

Then, two hours later, Hira was feeling nauseous and Mini took her temperature before concluding that she had the flu and needed bed rest. 

Now, Hira was laying in bed, feeling bored. Mini had gone to Aru's, Mini's parents had gone to work, and Mini's brother was hanging out with his friends, so there was nobody home except her. She wanted to get up and get her phone or something, but her body ached and she decided against it. Suddenly Hira heard the door unlock and open.

"Wh-who is it?" Hira called out, trembling. Nobody was supposed to come home for another hour.

"It's me. I mean me as in Brynne." Brynne rambled.

"Oh, hi." Hira said, relaxing. She heard footsteps approaching her room, and the door opened. Brynne was standing there, her face slightly red. She was wearing a cute baby blue tank top that said "Power" in gold letters with dark denim shorts. Her hair was up in a messy bun with the exception of two locks of hair framing her face.

"Mini told me you were sick, and that you were alone. So I came to keep you company, if that's okay." 

"Thanks, that's more than okay." Hira replied with a smile.

"I made you some soup if you're hungry." said Brynne.

"What kind?" 

"Chicken and broccoli." 

"That's my favorite kind!" Hira said with delight.

"Yeah, I know! You told me once when we were talking on the phone a while back. You also said that you liked chocolate and pistachio ice cream and mango lassi, which isn't surprising because almost everyone I know likes mango lassi, and I also made mango lassi for you once, except I didn't get to give it to you because Gunky ate it all when I was in the bathroom, and..."

Hira interrupted her. "You really made mango lassi for me?"

"Yeah! But I'm so sorry you didn't ge-" Brynne was interrupted again.

"I wish I had something to give you." Hira whispered sadly.

Brynne hugged her. "That's okay. Just focus on getting better. That's enough of a gift for me."

"Ow! Hey, don't get too close! You'll catch it." 

"I'm pretty sure I already got the flu like 3 weeks ago, though. So I'm immune now. At least, I think that's how it works. Even if I'm not immune, I don't care because I'm taking care of somebody that means a lot to me." said Brynne, flushing.

Hira smiled. Maybe today wasn't going to be so bad after all.

Omg I think this is my favorite so far. (Maybe I'm a little biased because I like girls too.) But it's weird because I don't really remember anything about Hira except for her being shy, and that she shapeshifted into Aru once? I've gotta reread the earlier books sometime... Anyways have a good day you all! 

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