The dead living.

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Aru: Hmmm.

Aiden: *sighs* What is it this time Aru?

Aru: I have a question for you.

Aiden: Shoot.

Aru: What is the opposite of a zombie.

Aiden: Um...

Aiden: Dead people who stay in their graves?

Aru: Wrong!

Aru: Zombies are the living dead. The opposite of zombies would be the dead living. Therefore, I am the opposite of a zombie.

Aiden: *facepalms* That's not how it wor-

Aru: Imma email the Oxford dictionary now.

Aiden: Shah, sometimes I worry about you.

Brynne: Just sometimes? 

Rudy: *randomly walks in*

Rudy: Has anyone seen Mini? She ran off while I was explaining the five-second rule to her.

Aru ShahnessWhere stories live. Discover now