Goodbye Aru

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Suyodhana was horrified. He was currently stuck inside the Sleeper, who was fighting his own daughter and her friends. The Sleeper is too strong, he realized. They can't be stopped from overpowering the Pandavas.

He looked at the battle unfolding before his eyes. Why did it have to be this way? Why couldn't he live the life he desired? He imagined a big house with him, his two strong daughters, and his beautiful wife, all sharing gossip at the dinner table. Why couldn't he have that? Instead, he had to submit to being used for the rest of his life.

He suddenly turned his gaze to the left and saw Krithika with Aru near the nectar of immortality. A pile of rocks was teetering dangerously close to them, and Aru couldn't do anything, even with her weapon. Vajra wrapped around her. He suddenly ran towards them. This was the only thing keeping him going. Krithika. His love for Krithika. He couldn't lose her. No, he wouldn't lose her.

He stuck out his hand and did something that he had never done before. He ordered the Sleeper. The Sleeper could sense that he had become too strong, and had no choice but to obey his order that the rocks be stopped from falling on Krithika and Aru.  Suyodhana then realized that he had a secret weapon. His love. Love was the weapon that could defeat the Sleeper. 

Now that he had a weapon, he just had to wait for the right time to use it.

Krithika took a small step towards Suyodhana and his heart lept. Maybe she still loved him. After all he had done to her. 

"Suyodhana," she said, her face radiating emotion.

The Sleeper spoke through him. "Why? Why is it that no matter what happens, I can't seem to stop caring? I couldn't let it—" they gestured at the rocks. Suyodhana was confused. Why was the Sleeper putting on an act for Krithika? Was he planning to do something to her? Suyodhana's mind raced and he tuned out of the rest of the conversation. 

He looked at the battle, and saw Kara. She had her trident pointed at him, and let it loose. 

Move! the Sleeper commanded, not wanting Suyodhana to get injured by the trident. But Suyodhana wasn't paying them any attention. He thought of Aru, and all the misery he had put her through. He thought of Kara, and how he had yanked her away from the only family she had. He thought of Krithika. Krithika. She had suffered the most through all these years, and she still loved him. That much was evident. Suyodhana felt his eyes brim with tears. Why? Why did Krithika still love him after all that he had put her through? He stared at her. At her beautiful face. At her defiant gaze.

He had to show her how much he loved her too. Even if she would never find out. And with his love, Suyodhana used all of his willpower and told the Sleeper a simple two-letter word.


Kara's trident hit his chest and he was confused. It did not pain. It felt good. It felt right. He kept staring at Krithika's face, and kept loving her. Or else he feared that the Sleeper would find some way to stop him. He intensely focused on his love for Krithika. It was what kept him going to the very end. As he took his last shuddering breath, he whispered his last words, dedicated to his daughter that he knew had suffered so much, and had yet never wavered from doing the right thing. 

"Goodbye Aru."

When he defied the Sleeper, that simple two-letter word uttered by Suyodhana would change everyone's lives forever. It would obliterate the Sleeper, and save the world. But nobody would ever find out about Suyodhana's selfless contribution. It would be lost to history forever.

And that's a wrap. Loved this journey with you all. I feel healed from my heartbreak from NOI, and this book thingamajic whatever is over now. Love you all. Please don't feel mad that I'm leaving you. This was kinda planned all along. My well wishes to ya'll's bright futures. Don't let me down. And thank you for being with me for the past few weeks. <3 <3

Goodbye Aru.

Aru ShahnessWhere stories live. Discover now