Wheee, an adventure! (Part 5)

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K dis is da LAST part whoooooooo

Aru jogged to her tent after checking on Aiden. He had told her that after he had gotten his call, he went to attend it, and then proceeded to get distracted and started taking photos of the natural landscape. Aru didn't understand what was so special about the "natural landscape" because it was all trees as far as she was concerned, but whatever.

Okay, time to get into the cramped sleeping bag and attempt to sleep while critters make a bunch of noise, thought Aru. 

She entered her tent and zipped up the opening. As she was about to enter her sleeping bag, she noticed a box with a bow on top of it, and it was labeled, OPEN ME! Aru wondered what was inside the box. Was it a practical joke from Brynne. Or, was someone going to blackmail her into doing something. Whatever it was, she was very curious, and instantly tore the box open. Inside, was a pair of noise cancelling sleep headphones and an XXL sleeping bag. 

There was a letter inside the box too. Aru opened it and read:

Dear Aru,

We hope you sleep well tonight.


The Potatoes (other than you of course)

Aru's eyes teared up and she felt her heart melt. She could only imagine how much money all of that stuff would have cost them. And she couldn't believe that they cared about her this much to do this for her. Why had she complained so much before the trip when all of them had been fine? Everyone else probably had the same problem with leg room and noise, and they hadn't whined about it like she had.

Aru Shah had the best friends in the entire world. 

And knowing that, she slept like she had never slept before that night.

We all know which Potato paid for all this tho LMAO...

(Hint, one of them said they could build Mini a house)

So uh short part 5 ik but hope it was gud? Have a gr8 rest of ur day, compliment someone when you have the time and stay cool 😎

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