Aru on a mission Part 2

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Aru needed help figuring out the passcode. She had tried already, and all she could come up with was "pic", which didn't work. She needed to find someone who could help her. Luckily, she knew exactly who that someone was. Aru got out her phone, and began to message Brynne.

lOlgEtElectrocuTeD: hey beee u there?

geTrOASTed: yeah?

lOlgEtElectrocuTeD: ummmm letsay 

hypothetically wifey has 

a 3-digit alfabetical pass, 

wat wud it bee bee?

geTrOASTed: Really Aru?

lOlgEtElectrocuTeD: I had to. anyways back 2 Q

geTrOASTed: Is this about you stealing shadowfax? aiden told me. also btw u spelled alphabettical wrong.

lOlgEtElectrocuTeD: ummmm maybe?

geTrOASTed: i wont help u. unless...

lOlgEtElectrocuTeD: unless wut????

geTrOASTed: give me a share of da blackmail and we got a deal

lOlgEtElectrocuTeD: so u know da code

geTrOASTed: I have a strong hunch

lOlgEtElectrocuTed: K deal then

geTrOASTed: Type ARU and see if dat works

lOlgEtElectrocuTeD: UGH now isnt the time bee

geTrOASTed: no fr try it

lOlgEtElectrocuTeD: omg no way

lOlgEtElectrocuTeD: IT WORKED WTFF

geTrOASTed: imma come over, we can look through it together

lOlgEtElectrocuTeD: sure thing cya

Aru was flabbergasted. Why was the password her name? This was all probably a prank orchestrated by Brynne, though Aru didn't know how she possibly could've done it.

Just as Aru was thinking of her sister, Brynne arrived through a portal into her room, panting. 

"I had to change, but I rushed over here as soon as I could!" wheezed Brynne. 

"Aren't the portals only for emergencies?" asked Aru.

"THIS IS AN EMERGENCY! Nobody but Ammama has EVER seen the contents of Shado-" but Brynne was interrupted by Aru's phone ringing.

The girls looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Aiden. Aru looked hesitantly at Brynne, who gave a slight nod before Aru swiped right on her phone. 

"Shah, okay listen. I'll do anything. I need Shadowfax back. And don't you dare look through it!" pleaded Aiden.

"You'll do anything?" responded Aru.

"Yes! Anything!"

"Okay, first tell me why you chose the password you have on Shadowfax right now." 

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