No update today either, but...

610 4 16

Haha, gotcha!!

Here is BrynnexHira stuff :D

The Potatoes were in the middle of one of their movie nights. Aru and Aiden were curled up against each other while munching on popcorn and sitting on the yellow armchair closest to the T.V. A jump-scare appeared on the T.V. screen, and Aiden buried his face into Aru's hair. 

Mini and Rudy meanwhile were sitting on blankets that were spread out on the floor in front of the T.V. Rudy kept shouting things at the T.V. screen such as, "Touch my queen and you'll be a pile of rotting bones!" at the jump-scares before covering his eyes with his hands and tightly hugging Mini as if she was a teddy bear.

Brynne, meanwhile, was bored. Horror films never really scared her that much. They were always too cringe and cliche for her. She couldn't remember what this one was called, but so far, she had fallen asleep 3 times while watching it. Then, she remembered Hira. Hira was currently "going to the bathroom" but Brynne thought that maybe she was just scared, and decided to check on her.

She sighed and got up. "I'm going to go cook something. This is boring."

Nobody paid her any attention. They were all engrossed in a scene where random skeletons were infiltrating the CIA.

Brynne walked out of the living room only to suddenly hear sobs. She saw that the noise was coming from the kitchen. It sounded kind of like Hira. Brynne sprinted as fast as she could possibly go towards the kitchen, and then paused. Hira had her phone propped against a tissue box and it looked as if she was reading something, while simultaneously taking tissues out of the tissue box and wiping her tears. Brynne noticed a trash can next to her filled to the brim with tissues.

"H-Hira? What's wrong?" Brynne asked, concerned.

Hira kept sobbing as she said between gasps, "I loved him, but he left me..and..."

Brynne felt her heart break into pieces. Hira loved someone. And that someone hadn't been her. "Who did this to you?" she asked icily.

"Luke. He was Annie's boyfriend. It-it's in this book I'm reading, and-" but Hira was cut off.

"You were crying because of a book? I thought someone had actually hurt you? Do you know how stupid that is?! And when you told me you loved him? I got scared because I th-thought well you can't love him because I love you and-" 

Hira dried her tears. "Y-you love me?" she asked confused.

"Um I...uhhh." Brynne's face turned crimson and she decided to stay quiet since words weren't working. 

Hira then took a tentative step closer to Brynne and stood up on her tip-toes before whispering in her ear, "Me too." She then slowly pulled back and started bringing her lips closer and closer to Brynne's, and to Brynne, it felt like an instant before Hira's lips were a centimeter away from her's. 

"May I?" asked Hira, staring at Brynne's mouth.

Brynne didn't trust herself to speak, and only nodded. Then, Hira touched her lips to Brynne's and kissed her. Brynne's mind couldn't process anything at the moment. Her thoughts became as inaccessible as the most perfect chocolate souffle. She just felt the softness of Hira's lips. Hira smelled and like apples and lemonade and tasted like cherries, and Brynne couldn't get enough of her smell. 

Suddenly, Hira pulled away and shyly smiled. Brynne hugged her and kissed her neck. Brynne could feel Hira shiver as she did so, and kept kissing it again and again. Hira started laughing and pushed Brynne away.

"Stop, it tickles!" she said, still laughing.

"At least you aren't crying over some Luke dude anymore."

"Hmph!" replied Hira. They both burst into giggles, and spent the rest of the movie night baking together.

And they lived happily ever after. The End.

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