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Ya'll helloooooooooo!!! Imma try and make this work but who knows how it's gonna turn out so ya...

"Aru, where are you going?!" Krithika Shah yelled after she spotted her daughter started running down the stairs in a maroon dress. 

"Coffee with Aiden! I'll be back in like an hour." she replied.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" asked her mom in annoyance.

"He just texted me! How was I supposed to know?" 

"Fine, just be safe." replied Krithika in defeat.

"Yeah mom!" shouted Aru, running out the door.

Aru slammed the door behind her and saw Aiden waiting at the bottom of her driveway. He was wearing a dark green hoodie with jeans. His eyes lit up when he saw her.

"Sh-shah! Hi! Your dress..." 

"Yeah, about that. Why am I wearing a dress and you're wearing your usual monstrosity?!" she inquired.

"What do you mean? This hoodie is new! I only wear new clothes on special occasions." said Aiden.

"I literally can't tell the difference between this one and the one you wore yesterday." muttered Aru.

Aiden glared at her and then sighed. "Well come on, let's go now."

"Also, where's Shadowfax?" asked Aru. 

"Shadowfax won't be coming. Today it's just us." replied Aiden.

Aru's felt her heart soar. Aiden loved Shadowfax and always brought his camera wherever he went. If he wasn't bringing it, then this must be something special.

"Lead the way." said Aru.

Aiden took her hand in his and Aru felt a warm string of electricity travel from her hand to Aiden's. 

"Oops, sorry, I forgot to leave Vajra at home." Aru mentally facepalmed. 

"No, it actually feels nice." said Aiden, blushing. 

Aru smiled. Aiden started leading her down their street, chatting with her as he did so. 

"So you have any homework?" he asked.

"Biology. English essay. Uhhh health paper. And math. Oh, and there's a history quiz tomorrow so I'll try and fail studying." replied Aru in a disinterested tone.

"Dang Aru."

"Yeah, I know. My mom's gonna kill me for that quiz."

"No, you just have so much homework. Kids these days work so hard." said Aiden.

"Kids these days" mocked Aru. "What an Ammama." She stuck her tongue out at him.

Aiden laughed. "I need to be an Ammama to put up with you."

"But you still adore me." Aru said while batting her eyelashes.

"Ugh, whatever. Aru, we're turning left here." he told her.

"Aiden..." said Aru.


"Have you ever wondered about...never mind this'll sound weird." Aru hastily said.

"No, tell me."

"Fine. Just...don't take it wrongly? Have you ever wondered about the future? I mean, our future?" she asked.

"Well, yeah of course. What about it?" 

"I don't know. It just seems so close, yet so far away." replied Aru. "I mean, I'm planning on us getting married. I don't know about you. And then I'll have a new name and we'll have children and I'll be one of those people who always complain about work and-" Aru paused. "I'm really getting ahead of myself here, sorry."

"No you're fine. And well yeah I think about that stuff too. Actually, I've always liked the name Shah. It sounds cool, and it means king. Also I'm so used to calling you Shah. And I don't really like the name Acharya, since um..."

"It reminds you of your dad?" Aru quietly asked.

"Yeah. So in the future, I think I'll want to change my name instead of you changing yours. If that's okay." said Aiden.

"Sure. I don't really care." replied Aru. "Though I can't speak for myself years from now."

"Same here." said Aiden. "Also, we're at the coffee place."

"My legs hurt. Can we call a cab to drive us back home?" asked Aru.

Aiden laughed. "Sure. Anything's fine."

Aru hugged him before they both strolled inside, hand in hand.

There will be a part 2 of this also. Omg I need to finish parts of lots of stuff...oh well, we'll get to all of that in good time.

Aru ShahnessWhere stories live. Discover now