Wheee, an adventure! (Part 3)

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The Potatoes got out of the car and looked at their surroundings. All they could see was a dirt trail surrounded by trees. Malini looked at Rudy questioningly. 

"Are you sure we're at the right place Rudra?" she asked.

"Yup!" Rudy replied enthusiastically. "This is where we'll spend the night. Isn't it going to be exciting?"

"Maybe if you shut up." Aru heard Nikita mutter.

Mini smiled. "I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun. Mrs. Acharya, is there any place nearby where we can buy snacks?" she asked.

"Hmm, let me check." She got out her phone and made scrolled in various directions. "I don't see anything except trees within a 15 mile radius."

"This sounds dangerous," said Sheela. "Can we go home? Please?" 

"There's an actual camping place 40 miles from here, but by the time we reach it, it'll be dark." said Aiden's mom.

"Guys, trust me! This will be fine. You guys are Pandavas for the gods' sake." said Rudy.

"Trust you?" asked Nikita sarcastically.

"Did your parents agree to this Rudy?" asked Aiden's mom.


"Well, if they approve, then I'm sure it's very safe." reasoned Malini. "I'll be in the car for tonight. You all have fun camping, alright? Everyone, stay where I can see you."

"Sure mom." said Aiden.

The Potatoes got to work setting up camp. Mini and Rudy pitched the tents, while everyone else helped get a fire going. As Mini and Rudy were working side by side, Mini noticed Rudy sweating.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Well, um, it's really nothing." he quickly replied.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" 

"Well, uhh, it's just that..." Rudy faltered.

"Just that what?" Mini probed.

"I don't know how to pitch a tent?" 

Mini laughed. "It's okay," she said gently. "I'll show you how DJ Baby Snekky Snake." She started giggling.

"Hey! Don't make fun of my DJ name!" 

"Just joking. Here, so first we have to assemble the poles." Mini started.

Rudy looked at Mini as she explained. He liked the way the evening sun shone on her glossy black hair, illuminating it. He liked the way she pushed her glasses up her nose in deep concentration. Her face looked beautiful even when she was serious. Suddenly, he saw a hand wave in front of his face.

"Hello? You were zoned out for a while. Were you listening to me?" asked Mini.

"Sorry. Um I missed the last 3 minutes I think?" 

"Rudy! We've only been talking for about one minute." Mini facepalmed. "Let me start over, and pay close attention this time, okay?"

Mini even looked beautiful when she was annoyed at him. Rudy kept staring at her in awe. Just as she was about to start explaining the process to him again, he hugged her.

"Wh-what's this for?" asked Mini, confused.

"Thanks for explaining everything to me." Rudy said. Then, Mini hugged him back.

"Anytime DJ Baby Snekky Snake."

Whoaa. I feel like this was very poor quality of writing. Looking back, it looks like I tried to make up for the poor quality with dialogue. Whatever, I'll publish this anyways. Hope you all kinda liked it? Part 4 coming soon :D

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