Mini's date

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Yamini Kapoor-Mercado-Lopez, was going on a date.

It was with Jake, a boy from her high school. Mini didn't like him like that or anything, but he had asked. The conversation had gone something like this:

Mini: *doing locker stuff at her locker*

Jake: *walks up behind the door of Mini's locker*

Mini: *closes the door only to find Jake standing there*

Mini: Ahh! You scared me.

Jake: Sorry. Um I just came because I was wondering if you know?

Mini: No, I don't know.

Jake: If you wanted to go...

Mini: Go where?

Jake: On a date?

Mini had thought it would be rude to refuse, and she had never gone on any dates before, so she said yes. Plus, she knew Jake from her math class and he was nice enough. Her parents weren't at home for a few days, so she didn't need to ask them. But now, she was having second thoughts about agreeing. What if her outfit didn't look good? Well, it was made by Nikita, so it was impossible for it not to look good. But, what if she embarrassed herself by rambling about health facts? What if Jake left in the middle of the date?

Mini took a deep breath. There was no point in worrying when she was going to go on the date anyways. She got her phone out and texted Aru.

PleaseSanitize: Aru?

lOlgEtElectrocuTeD: Yeah?

PleaseSanitize: I'm nervous. What if the date doesn't go well? What if I embarrass myself?

lOlgEtElectrocuTeD: Itll go well 'r I'll electrocute that boys a$$

PleaseSanitize: Please don't...

lOlgEtElectrocuTeD: Aww, fine. I'll maybe just scold him instd

PleaseSanitize: I showed you my outfit last week, remember? Did it look ok?

lOlgEtElectrocuTeD: It was gr8. Trst me mini, evrthng will be FINE, or ya know, theres always electrocution

PleaseSanitize: This is where Aiden would go "Why are you like this Shah?".

lOlgEtElectrocuTeD: -_-

PleaseSanitize: Thanks Aru, talking to you made me feel much better.

lOlgEtElectrocuTeD: np, have fun! :DDD

Mini looked up from her phone and checked the time. It was 5:55. Jake was picking her up at 6:00, so she got up and checked herself in the mirror once more. The outfit looked awesome. Just then, her phone rang. She checked the caller ID, and it was Rudy. She felt butterflies in her stomach as she picked up the call.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Hey, Mini. So, um I need help with my math homework." Rudy said.

"Since when do you have math homework?" asked Mini.

"Since my parents decided that I wouldn't be good at math when I started school with Aiden next month, and hired a tutor to teach me. It's honestly not so hard...if you know how to do it." said Rudy. "Can you teach me please?" 

"I'm sorry, but not right now. I have a date in like 3 minutes." said Mini.

"Oh, th-that's okay I guess." Mini could hear the disappointment and hurt in Rudy's voice. "Bye." he said quietly.

Mini was about to reply when she noticed that he had ended the call. She felt terrible. She had hurt a friend, and she didn't feel butterflies anymore. Instead, it felt like she had swallowed a 5-pound weight, full of guilt.

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