Date (Part 2)

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Aru and Aiden went inside the coffeeshop and found a small, but elegant round table near a corner. Aiden pulled Aru's chair back for her and then they sat down and waited for someone to take their order, making conversation as they waited. 

"So what are you going to get?" asked Aru.

"Wh-what? Oh, nothing. I mean I'm planning on getting a cappuccino with caramel flavoring." replied Aiden. "And you?"

"An espresso with whipped cream, a shake of cinnamon, and a teaspoon of dark chocolate," said Aru. 

"Have you ever had that before?" asked Aiden.

"Um, well I kinda made it up on the spot. But who knows? Maybe it'll taste good."

Just as Aiden was about to reply, someone came to take their order. Aru and Aiden ordered, and finished their drinks quickly. Aru's drink surprisingly tasted good, although she ended up with a whipped cream mustache after taking her first sip.

When the bill came, Aru quickly snatched it and paid her amount. Aiden groaned.

"Aru! I took you on the date, so I have to pay the bill." he said.

"That's sexist. I'll pay for me, and you do whatever. If you try and stop me from paying for myself, I will electrocute you. Just letting you know."

"How is that even sexist?" retorted Aiden.

"I don't know. It just is." said Aru. The truth was, she had heard that line from a movie, but she couldn't remember which one, and what the context was. Oh well.

"Wifey..." said Aru.


"When will the cab be here?" she asked.

"Oh no! I'm so so sorry, I forgot. I didn't get a chance to-"




"The things I do for you..." Aiden hoisted Aru onto his back, and carried her all the way home. By the time they got to Aru's house, it felt like rivers of sweat were pouring off of him. But it was worth it for the smile that lit up Aru's face.

"Thank you Wifey," she said, beaming.

"Love y- I mean you're welcome." he said, quickly catching himself.

"Love you too." said Aru, before waving goodbye at him and going inside.

Aiden stood there dumbfounded for the next 5 minutes.

Okay...I feel like I rushed that too much, but whatever... Ya'll I hoped you enjoyed it :DD 

Aru ShahnessWhere stories live. Discover now