Wheee, an adventure! (Part 4)

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It's been a while since I've updated the camping thing so here it is!

Aru and her friends sat around their campfire, which Brynne was currently using to cook a pizza. Aru recalled their conversation from earlier.

"Why did you bring an uncooked pizza to our trip again?" she had inquired.

"Well someone needed to bring good food. We can't live off of marshmallows. It's literally just sugar without any other flavor." Brynne had replied.

"Plus, continuously consuming all that sugar could give you diabetes, which could lead to cardiovascular disease, nerve damage, kidney damage, eyesight problems, heart attack, and stroke, all of which could lead to potential death!" Mini had added, before high-fiving with Brynne.

Aru had rolled her eyes. "Well I don't care. I could live off of marshmallows." Then she'd hastily added, "But I'm all for pizza."

Sheela tapped Aru's shoulder, bringing her back into the moment. 

"Aru? Your marshmallow is burning." said Sheela.

"I like my marshmallows a little burnt." Aru said before taking a look at her marshmallow. "Or black." she added, seeing that her marshmallow had turned the color of tar.

"My marshmallow is perfect." said Rudy. "Just like me."

Aru noticed Mini rolling her eyes out of the corner of her vision. Then Mini straightened herself before lowering her voice and addressing the Potatoes.

"It's time to tell scary stories! Who's going first?" she asked.

"Mini," whined Rudy. "Do we have to? I'm gonna get nightmares."

Before Mini could change her mind, Aru butted in. "Yes, we have to." 

"If you want, you can cover your ears." added Nikita.

"I'll go first." said Hira, raising her hand shyly. "Okay, so there was this little three year old boy, and he lived in an apartment with his parents. One day his parents decided to move into a new house, because one of his moms was pregnant and the apartment wouldn't be enough for all of them."

"Is something bad going to happen to them?" asked Rudy.

"Duh!" said Nikita. "This is a scary story. What do you expect?"

"Can you all please not interrupt Hira?" asked Brynne. "Okay, keep going."

"So the house was kinda your average family home, except that nobody had lived there in decades. The previous owners just held the property for an investment." Hira paused for a moment. "But, what the family didn't know, was what happened there 50 years earlier."

"What happened there 50 years earlier?" asked Rudy in a quiet voice.

"Rudy! I said stop interrupting!" Brynne yelled.

"You'll find that out later in the story. Anyways, when the family moved into the house, everything seemed normal at first. One mom went to work, as usual. The other mom stayed at home and cared for the child. But, one day, the homemaker mom noticed that the three year old boy wasn't acting normally. His body twitched randomly, and his tongue looked kind of forked."

"L-like a snake?" asked Rudy.

Hira nodded. "The mom thought something was wrong with her boy and took him to a local hospital. They were sent to wait in a room for the doctor to get there. The doctor came in after a while and looked at his clipboard, which contained their details. He suddenly paled, and asked them if they wrote down their address correctly. The mom responded that yes, she had. As the doctor was about to say something, he suddenly shrieked."

"I can't take this anymore, I'm going to bed." Rudy whimpered and ran to his tent, which he was going to be sharing with Aiden.

"And then there were 6. Go on Hira." said Aru.

"The doctor flung out his arm, and it had a bite mark on it. The bite mark had two punctures, almost like-"

"Like a snake." Aiden finished.

Hira nodded again. "The doctor was old and frail, and collapsed to the floor immediately. The mom screamed, and opened the door to the room. She screamed for help, and two nurses immediately rushed to the doctor's aid, carrying him away to another ward of the hospital. The mom went inside, and noticed that her child wasn't where she had left him. The mom called for her son, but there was no reply."

"I think Rudy might want some company. The story's really good so far, though!" said Mini, getting up and speed-walking to Rudy and Aiden's tent. 

"Um, I think I'll go too." said Sheela, and started walking towards her own tent.

"And then there were 4." said Aru and Nikita at the same time.

Hira smiled and then continued the story. "The mom had looked all over the room, except for in one place. As she walked up to the sink, her heart was thudding against her chest, and she slowly peered into the sink to see-"

Suddenly, Aiden's phone rang. "Sorry, my science partner from school is calling me."

"But Wifey, didn't you say that your science teacher never gave you groupwork because it was 'distracting'?" Aru asked, using air quotes.

Aiden ignored her and walked towards his mom's car.

"And then there were 3." said Brynne and Hira.

"The mom peered into the sink to see a horrifying combination of human and beast. She had found her son, but he was by no means normal. His body writhed around in the sink, and his skin was tinted a sickly green. He bared his teeth at her, revealing huge bloodthirsty fangs. With a heart-stopping shriek, he hissed at her and flicked his tongue, as if smelling her. As if smelling her fear."

"Wifey's taking a while with that phone call. I'll go see what's up." said Aru, getting up and walking in the direction that Aiden had. As she left, she could hear three voices in unison chant, And then there were 2.

Now we'll be switching to Hira's point of view.

Hira looked at the remaining two Potatoes sitting in front of her, eagerly waiting for her to continue. And so she did.

"The mom looked into the boy's eyes, which were yellow with a vertical black slit cutting through the center of them. He stared back at her." Hira paused before shapeshifting into the boy that she was describing. Nikita promptly got up and walked away without saying anything. 

Brynne stared at Hira warily before saying, "That's j-just creepy. Okay, you win. Good night."

Hira shapeshifted back into herself before cackling. "And then there were none." she said to herself, before getting up and going to her tent.

This was fun to write. Also if you're curious, what ends up happening in the story is that the boy bites the mom, who dies, and then gets loose in the hospital, where he roams to this day, and nobody goes into the hospital anymore and stuff. Typical plot tbh. I think I'll do one last part of the camping trip. Also, these days I'm not proofreading and editing my writing anymore...just am not motivated to do so ig...

Also I am confused, how did the image for the title of this thing literally just randomly change by itself???

Anyways, have a great day ya'll. Spread love :D

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