Chapter Two

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* Crystal POV *

I found myself standing in the lobby of JFK Airport, confronted with the news that my flight to California, specifically Fresno, had been cancelled due to a snowstorm. This cancellation posed a problem as I had two connecting flights ahead of me, the first in Houston, Texas, and this delay threatened to cause me to miss my subsequent flight.

Coming from Jamaica, where snow was a foreign concept experienced only through television, I felt a mix of excitement and fear at the prospect of embarking on this new adventure. While I was eager to begin this journey, it also marked my first time venturing beyond Jamaica's borders, and the idea of being alone in this endeavor was daunting.

My parents' tragic death in a car accident when I was eight left me under the care of my deceased mother's half-sister, who provided minimal support until I turned eighteen, after which she distanced herself from any legal responsibility, stating she had fulfilled her duty. Left to navigate life largely on my own, my solace came in the form of my best friend, Amanda Dixon, who had been my constant companion since childhood.

Amanda and I attended the same schools and shared everything, forging a bond that felt unbreakable. However, I soon realized that relying solely on Amanda was not enough.

I worked hard to put myself through school, securing a job at the Pegasus Hotel in New Kingston while pursuing a degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management at the University of Technology. Amidst my studies and work, I found love in Jason Malcolm, a charming and attractive man whom I met at university. Our relationship blossomed over two years, and he became a significant part of my life.

But life proved to be far from perfect when both Amanda and Jason betrayed my trust, entering into a relationship behind my back. The pain of their betrayal left me shattered, and I distanced myself from them, focusing on completing my degree.

Now, stranded in the airport amidst a snowstorm, I faced an uncertain future. Despite the challenges and heartache I had endured, I was determined to confront whatever awaited me in the world beyond, ready to embark on the next chapter of my life with resolve and determination.

I have been making updates and corrections...hope y'all like the changes I've been making.

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