Chapter Sixteen

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*Crystal's POV*

Raymond and I have been going steady for some time now. It's been over a month since we decided to make our relationship official. He's proven to be quite the gentleman. It's surprising, considering his aggressive demeanor on the basketball court where he's always in confrontations with opponents, referees, and sometimes even his own teammates.

Despite his on-court shennigans, off the court, he's fun, loving, and caring...essentially, every girl's dream. And he's dating me. However, I couldn't help but remain cautious. The old Jamaican proverb "once bitten twice shy" perfectly encapsulates my outlook on life. Trust issues still linger within me, especially with women constantly flocking to Raymond.

Why did he choose me out of all the women pursuing him? That question continuously floats around in my mind. What keeps me from spiraling into paranoia is the fact that Raymond knows all about my trust issues and is careful not to play on my insecurities. It's as if he's heaven-sent.

I had confided in him about what happened back in Jamaica between my then-boyfriend and my best friend, a conversation I've only had with Jessica. Jessica and Raymond are the only two friends I have here in the States. Her husband occasionally joins us for dinner or a movie, though she often complains about my lack of interest in men and tendency to stay indoors. Despite her nagging, I'm grateful for our friendship.

"A penny for your thoughts," Raymond grinned, standing at the doorway to my office with a huge bouquet of tulips and orchids—flowers that are slowly becoming my favorites, thanks to him.

He was dressed in a white muscle shirt that accentuated every contour of his sculpted chest. My eyes couldn't help but wander down his body, his legs resembling iron and clad in blue jeans that emphasized certain areas. I found myself unconsciously biting my lip.

"See something you like?" Raymond's voice startled me, his smug expression revealing his amusement at catching me ogling him.

"Uh, um," it took me a moment to regain my composure. I was blushing furiously, thankful that my skin hid my embarrassment.

Shuffling papers on my desk, I attempted to change the subject, but words failed me.

I heard the door close behind him, and before I knew it, he was standing in front of my desk in three long strides. Afraid he might notice my burning cheeks, I didn't dare look up. I'd embarrassed myself enough for one day.

"You look beautiful today," his voice carried a smirk, evident in his tone. I risked a peek and, as expected, found him grinning.

Feeling like a shy schoolgirl, I finally managed to speak. "What's so funny?"

"I love your blush," he replied.

Refusing to entertain his teasing any longer and certainly not admitting that I liked it, I took the flowers from him and thanked him. Our fingers brushed, and I froze. Though he had touched me before, this time felt different.

Trapped in a staring contest, neither of us willing to break the gaze, that's when it happened. I'm not sure who moved first, but our lips met.

His lips sparked waves of electricity coursing through my body, an inexplicable sensation that made me feel truly alive, igniting a fire within me—one I had no intention of quenching. What astonished me was the tenderness of his could a man so overwhelmingly masculine possess such gentleness? My mind raced at a million miles per hour, leaving me feeling as though I had lost all sense of control.

Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around his neck, drawing him closer. His powerful embrace enveloped me, molding me against his muscular frame. I have never felt anything so surreal and yet so tranquilizing, it's was as though I was in a trance and I didn't want it to end.

We were ensnared in a passionate exchange, each of us vying for dominance as we succumbed to the intensity of the moment. Time stood still as he carefully set aside the flowers and enveloped me in his embrace, his arms wrapping around me like a warm embrace. My mind screamed for more of his touch, his fingers tracing paths of fire as they explored my body, his lips leaving trails of warmth on my skin. I arched back, surrendering to his embrace, and a soft, seductive moan escaped my lips, bringing me back to reality. I gently pushed against his shoulders, and he reluctantly loosened his hold, giving me space to catch my breath.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, my voice barely audible, "I didn't mean to get carried away." He pulled me back into his arms, his lips brushing against my forehead in a gentle, comforting gesture. "You have nothing to apologize for, Cupcake," he whispered, his breath warm against my skin. "I loved every moment of it. Your passion is captivating, and I can't get enough of it."

His words sent shivers down my spine, and I melted into his embrace, feeling the warmth of his body and the love his eyes conveyed. I was falling for him, and I couldn't help but wonder where this journey would take us.

Things are starting to heat up...Raymond and Crystal journey is about to take a twist.

Will their new found romance be able to survive what's in store for them 🤔

Let's wait and see...

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