Chapter Eleven

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*Raymond POV*

It had been a week since I shared my contacts with Crystal, even going so far as to give her my private number, a line only reserved for my mom and daughter. I began to wonder if she would ever reach out. Exiting the gym after practice, my phone rang with an unknown number, sparking instant speculation that it might be Crystal. With only three people possessing that number, and two of them familiar to me, the possibility intrigued me.

"Hello?" I answered.

Silence initially filled the line, then a voice emerged. "Hi."

"How are you?" I inquired.

"I'm good," she replied. "And you?"

Feeling compelled to share, I found myself rambling about my hectic day, including the rigorous practice under our demanding coach.

"Well, you can't blame him," Crystal responded, surprising me with her insight into basketball dynamics. She mentioned last season's close call and the recent signings by the Cavs, impressing me with her knowledge.

"I didn't know you liked basketball," I admitted.

Her pride shone through, evident in the smile I could practically hear in her voice. "I don't like basketball, I love it."

Her passion for the sport only added to her allure. Independent, intelligent, beautiful, and with a shared love for basketball, Crystal captivated me. I found her intriguing and felt compelled to take a leap of faith.

"How would you like to come to the season opener game next Saturday night, all expenses on me?" I asked, apprehensively awaiting her response.

There was a pause, causing my heart to sink with doubt. But then, she surprised me yet again with her enthusiastic agreement.

*Crystal's POV*

What had I done? I was practically in a panic, screaming internally as Jessica rushed into the office, alarmed by my distress.

"What happened?" she asked urgently.

"I think I just made the biggest mistake of my life," I lamented, holding my head in my hands. "What have I done?"

Confused, Jessica prodded, "What are you babbling about, Cris?"

Remembering Raymond's private number, I explained how I had called him and the events that followed, including his invitation to the season opener game.

Jessica burst into laughter, her amusement only fueling my anxiety. "And here I thought you had a real emergency," she teased.

Fearing I had moved too quickly and unsure of Raymond's intentions, I contemplated backing out without hurting his feelings. But Jessica encouraged me to give him a chance, reminding me not to judge him based on past experiences and to consider the potential support he might offer for my career.

Despite her reassurance, I remained uncertain, promising to decide by Saturday. The following day brought a chaotic luncheon event, exacerbated by the antics of a troublesome guest's daughter and her entitled friends.

Amid the chaos, Raymond's text brought a moment of solace, his simple inquiry about my day lifting my spirits. His thoughtful gesture of sending sunflowers and wine further endeared him to me, leaving me smiling despite the day's challenges.

Returning home, I found myself drawn to the wine he had sent, indulging in a few glasses as I reflected on the unexpected connection forming between us. Despite our brief acquaintance and rocky start, I couldn't deny the comfort I found in his presence.

After the third glass, my inhibitions lowered, and I made a bold decision: I video called Raymond, a move both thrilling and terrifying in its implications.

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