Chapter Seventeen

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*Raymond POV*

Sunlight filtered through the large windows of Crystal's office, enveloping her beautiful chocolate complexion in a warm, radiant glow. She stood there, resplendent in a fiery red business dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, the low cut teasing just enough to ignite a spark of desire within me. As she accepted the bouquet of orchids I brought for her, I couldn't help but notice the slight rise in temperature in the room, matched only by the subtle shift in my own body.

As our fingers touched, I couldn't helped myself. I had to taste her and without thinking my lips crushed against hers. Her lips were just as I had expected, soft. When she didn't hesitate I took it as an invitation to deepen the kiss, she was delicious just as I had though.

As our fingers intertwined, an irresistible urge overcame me, drawing me towards her. Without hesitation, I pressed my body against hers, savoring in her softness. Encouraged by her response, I delved deeper into the kiss, finding her taste to be just as enticing as I had imagined.

My lips departed from hers, tracing kisses along her jawline , descending towards her neck. My hands eagerly explored the contours of her hips. As she arched her back granting me access to her neck, she breathed heavily and the sweetest sound I'll ever hear escaped her succulent lips.

As I was about to lean back to taste her luscious lips again, I felt her gently tap my shoulders. Instantly, I halted, mindful not to rush things. Aware of the pain inflicted by her ex, I resolved to proceed cautiously, willing to take things at her pace for this stunning black queen in my embrace.

Upon hearing her apology for kissing me back, I kissed her forehead and reassured her that I cherished every moment of it.

I don't know what it was about her, but whatever it was, it was turning me into a lovesick teenager and I'm determined to discover what it is. What I do know is that I want to love her, protect her, and I won't falter in that commitment.

"I'll be leaving for the road tonight," I said breaking the tranquility of our silent embrace.

"Five games in seven days, huh?" she replied, "and four of them are must-wins for you guys to stay in playoff contention," she continued. Her basketball IQ always impressed me; she could give Charlie Bartley a run for his money on NBA Insider on TNT. That was another aspect I adored about her. I could talk basketball with her all day, and she never seemed bored. I believe she genuinely enjoys our basketball conversations.

"I wanna take you to lunch before I leave", I told her. She said she had a call to make and then we could leave.

At that moment, there came a knock at the door. "Come in," she said. "Hmm, it's locked," replied the voice from the other side of the door.

She chuckled softly, saying "Oh," before heading to open the door. Her secretary entered and began, "Why was the door loc..." but stopped short upon noticing me. "I see," she remarked, her tone laced with sarcasm, accompanied by a sly smile on her face.

"What's do you want, Jessica?" she asked, her tone carrying a hint of sternness and business-like demeanor. However, the slight playful curve at the corner of her lips and the mischievous sparkle in her eyes revealed her attempt to feign seriousness.

Disregarding her, Jessica gracefully approached me, extending her hand. "Hi, I'm Jessica Lockhart, assistant to this stunning chocolate queen. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

I couldn't help but laugh at the introduction. "Enough from you," Crystal said. "Why were you banging on my door?"

"First of all, I wasn't banging, and second, why is your lipstick smudged?"

I noticed the flush on Crystal's face as she seemed at a loss for words. However, the playful banter between them was quite entertaining. Crystal brushed it off, stating it was none of Jessica's business, but Jessica wasn't finished teasing. She laid the files she had in her hand on the desk and winked at me before departing.

"I'm so sorry you had to witness that."

"I don't mind," I replied, "I think I like this side of you."

I held her close as she nestled against me, peppering small kisses along her cheek. The way she gazed up at me sent my heart racing. Lost in the depths of her beautiful brown eyes, I realized in that moment she was going to be the death of me.


Phew...that was intense.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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