Chapter Four

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Laura offered to bump my seat from coach to first class all the way to Fresno and I wasn't going to say no. We even got seated together on the flight to Houston, much to Chrissy's delight.

When we got to Houston, we parted ways. Laura and Chrissy was heading to San Francisco. After saying goodbye we went our separate ways.

My flight to Fresno went smoothly and being able to travel in first class was an added bonus thanks to Laura Green. Maybe I should have taken her contacts. She and Chrissy could be my new friends. After all San Francisco isn't that far from Fresno.

Why didn't I choose one of the hotels in Miami or New York? At least I would be closer to the other Jamaicans on the programs and maybe I wouldn't feel so alone.

Truth be told though I didn't want to be reminded of the hurt I was leaving behind. I wanted a fresh start. Something new. Something different.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Northwest Airlines welcomes you to Fresno. The local time is 10:42pm. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisle(s) clear until we are parked at the gate...." the pilot announced over the PA disrupting my train of thoughts.

I was surprised at the time because the shuttle to the hotel leaves at 11:15pm and I was sure I was going to miss it due to the flight delay in New York. I could not believe that I made it in time because I could have sworn it was after 9pm when I left Houston. Glancing at my watch, I realized it was still on Jamaican time which was two hours ahead of time here. I smiled cause for once being on Jamaican time means I'm early.

I disembarked the plane and quickly went through immigration. Luckily for me all I had was a carryon.

I was able to catch the shuttle just as it was about to pull away from the curb.

Taking my seat directly behind the driver. I was amazed at how comfortable the seats were. I sat steering out the window watching the landscape float by.

The night light was nothing I've ever seen before. There were lights every where, I was in awe. The buildings seems to touch the was magnificent.

I lay my head back on the soft cushion head rest on the seat. I thought about all that I have been through to get to this point in my life. The ups and downs of life. My highs and lows. All that was meant to break I survived and I will keep on surviving.

I didn't know at what point I dosed off. It wasn't until I was jostled awake when the bus came to an abrupt stop. That I realized that I have reached my destination.

The hotel looked like it was from 14th century France. It had that medieval look to it reminding me of the Renaissance era we learned about in history class back in school. The furniture on the inside however looked to be from the Victorian era. It's was like the past meeting the past.

I was so engrossed in admiring the architecture of the hotel that I didn't notice the man walking towards me.

"Miss Lewis" he said startling me.

"OH I'm so sorry if I frighten you. My name is Pablo Benedict..." He said stretching out his hand, "I'm the General Manager here."

I gladly shook his hand and said "it's a pleasure to meet you, sir".

"OH just call me Pablo" he said waving off the formalities. He gave me a quick rundown of the hotel and handed me a manual to read of the dos and don'ts of the hotel.

I wearily took the manual which had over 50 pages and is as thick as the Book of Charms from the TV series Charmed.

He told I was expected to know the manual from cover to cover and that I started working 8am the following morning. Oh sure of course. It's not like I just came of two connecting flights with 5 hours delay in between...yeah no pressure.

After signing my contract which was for 12 months but if I'm lucky and they are please with my performance, I could be given an extension of 5 years. That was the goal I was aiming for.

Pablo gave me all the documents I was going to need to move around the city. The keys the apartment I would be staying in. And mostly importantly a map of the city.

He called an Uber to take me to the apartment. We parted way after saying a brief good night.

The apartment I was staying was top notch...everything I've seen so far was a beauty to behold. I didn't expect the apartment to be no less. Still I wasn't prepare for a penthouse suite.

Yes it was expensive...and you're probably wondering how the hell I was going to afford such luxury suite.

Well unlike the rest of the workers on the program, I had a Bachelors Degree and so I will be paid a salary and not your average hourly rate. I was given the position of Front Desk Manager and with it comes perks and allowances. Which is why I chose to work at the Double Tree Hotel.

I walked into the suite and I was breathless. The sight was to die for...and the view was something from a magazine.

I quickly took a shower and went to bed. Tomorrow was the beginning of my fresh start...

Point to note...being on Jamaicana time don't necessarily means you are always late. It's just the fact that most Jamaicans tend to be fashionable late. So it's like an inside joke that when you inviting a Jamaican somewhere its best to tell the time at least 1 hour before the actual time. That way even if they're late...technically they'll still be early.

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