Chapter Thirteen

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*Crystal POV*

I awoke on the sofa, greeted by the sight of a half-empty wine bottle and an abandoned glass. A sinking feeling washed over me as memories of the previous night flooded back. Had I really video-called Raymond? The thought made me cringe; I must have made a complete fool of myself. How was I ever going to live this down?

Just then, my phone beeped, signaling a new message. It was from Raymond. I braced myself for what I assumed would be an awkward exchange, perhaps even an uninviting message regarding the upcoming season opener. Yet, his words took me by surprise.

"Good morning gorgeous 😍. I enjoyed our conversation last night. I hope you didn't wake up with a hangover. I'm off to to you later. Have a great day."

A wave of relief washed over me as I read his message. I quickly replied before proceeding to prepare for work, feeling lighter and more at ease.

As I made my way through the day, a sense of contentment lingered, evident in the smile on my face and the lighthearted tune I hummed. Jessica couldn't help but notice my uplifted mood, prompting her curiosity.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" she inquired, her interest piqued.

I brushed off her questioning, initially hesitant to divulge the details of my conversation with Raymond. However, as she persisted, I relented and shared the events of the previous night.

Her reaction was a mix of astonishment and amusement, accompanied by playful teasing. Yet, beneath her jesting, I sensed a glimmer of genuine encouragement.

The phone interrupted our conversation once more, this time with Raymond's name flashing on the screen. Jessica urged me to answer, and with a roll of my eyes, I obliged.

"Hello," I greeted him, feeling a mix of nerves and anticipation.

"Hey, it's me...just checking in to see how your day was going," Raymond's voice came through the line, instantly calming my nerves.

Our conversation flowed effortlessly, and I couldn't help but notice Jessica's subtle gestures urging me to put the call on speaker. As Raymond bid me farewell, Jessica couldn't contain her excitement, proclaiming that he was "whipped."

Her words lingered in my mind as I pondered the implications of our interaction. Could Raymond truly be interested in me? Despite my lingering doubts, I resolved to give him a chance, albeit cautiously.

Fast forward to the Saturday night season opener, and nerves tingled beneath my excitement as I arrived at the luxurious accommodations arranged by Raymond. His thoughtful gestures, from the private jet to the personalized jersey awaiting me, left me in awe.

As I prepared for the game, clad in Raymond's jersey and feeling a mix of nervous anticipation and gratitude, I couldn't help but marvel at how far I had come. And with Marcus and Rocky, Raymond's personal bodyguards my side, I knew that whatever the evening held, I wouldn't face it alone.
To be honest I didn't really know where this chapter was heading, but it worked out just find and prompt the upcoming chapters...stay with me as the story unfolds.

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