Chapter Five

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*Crystal POV*

"Oh shoot, shoot, shoot," I muttered to myself, realizing I couldn't afford to be late on my first day. Making a good impression was crucial.

I hurried into the bathroom for a quick shower, opting for a speedy wash-and-soap routine. After getting dressed, I called an Uber to take me to the hotel.

Arriving with just 10 minutes to spare, I was directed to Pablo's office for an official tour of the hotel, something I had eagerly anticipated.

The tour lasted two hours, leaving me exhausted by the end. Pablo concluded by showing me to my office, which was more like an apartment. It was fully equipped with everything I could possibly need, including a mini bedroom for late nights or overtime work.

The interior was elegant, with white and gold accents, and amenities like a mini bar area, a sofa, and a 60-inch flat screen TV. I couldn't help but think I could live here comfortably. The private bathroom was larger than my entire apartment back home. Walking over to the spacious desk by the window, I marveled at the stunning views.

I was smitten with the place, any doubts about coming here melting away. I felt like doing a happy dance in my head.

Meeting the staff, we instantly hit it off. I even had my own personal assistant, Jessica, who was bubbly and friendly, and I could tell we would become good friends.

Fast forward six months, and everything was going according to plan. I was excelling in my job, earning high praise and recommendations from elite guests and celebrities alike. Securing that five-year contract seemed within reach, a triumph in itself.

I don't mean to brag, but sometimes you have to celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. And this one felt like a true victory, a big deal for me.

"Criss," Jessica interrupted my thoughts, her voice betraying nervousness. Her reaction piqued my interest, as she was usually unflappable. Curious, I instructed her to send the gentleman in.

As I sorted through documents on my desk, he entered the room, leaving me tongue-tied and flustered. Before me stood Steven Curry, star of the Golden State Warriors.

"Hi-hel-hello," I stammered, feeling like a giddy teenager. Despite my efforts to compose myself, I was a fan girl at heart.

"Hi, my name is Steven Curry," he said, extending his hand. I shook it, still in a daze, before inviting him to sit.

It wasn't until he cleared his throat that I snapped out of my reverie, realizing he was talking to me. He explained that he was planning a bachelor party and had heard about our events planning services.

Grinning from ear to ear, I listened as he outlined his requirements for the event. It was my biggest and most important task yet, and I was determined not to mess it up.

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