Chapter Fifteen

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*Crystal POV*

After dinner, we sat and talked for hours, covering a wide range of topics. I discovered that he had a daughter whose mother had abandoned them during college. His mother had stepped in to care for the child so that he could focus on his career. Our conversation allowed me to understand him better, and I found myself feeling closer to him.

As he escorted me back to my hotel room, he mentioned that he would pick me up after practice so we could spend time together before my flight back to Fresno, scheduled for 5 pm.

Considering I hadn't brought many clothes with me, as I had only planned to stay for one night and didnt think that Raymond and I would get to see each other before my flight seeing that it was the start of the season, I opted for black leggings and the jersey I had intended to wear but didn't get the chance to, thanks to Raymond's plans. The oversized jersey paired perfectly with my leggings, and I completed the outfit with my blue sneakers from the night before and my cross-shoulder bag. Grabbing my cellphone, I headed for the door in a hurry.

I was rushing out the door when I collided with what felt like a solid wall.

"Where's the fire?" he teased, catching me before I could fall.

Our faces were inches apart, our lips almost touching. We were caught in a trance, neither of us wanting to break the connection. We stared at each other, the tension palpable.

He glanced down at my lips, inhaling sharply and licking his own. Was he going to kiss me?

Did I want him to kiss me?

*Raymond's POV*

As we stood there locked in a staring contest, hesitant to break the spell...

Her lips parted slightly, her tongue darting out to moisten them. Her lip gloss was inviting, and I found myself wondering what flavor it was. Perhaps I should taste it and find out. Leaning in closer, I noticed she didn't pull away or make any attempt to, but the look in her eyes betrayed her reservations.

As much as I wanted to taste her lips, I didn't want to scare her. Slowly, I steadied her on her feet, took her hand, and led her to the elevator.

"So, where are we going?" she whispered as we stepped off the elevator, her cheeks flushed, and she blushed when I looked at her. I couldn't deny enjoying the effect I had on her.

Before I could respond, a group of people recognized me and rushed over as soon as we exited the hotel lobby. They were fans eager to take pictures and get autographs. I regretted not having my security detail with me.

She stepped away from me, a barrier of people forming between us, making it impossible for me to reach her. Checking to ensure she was okay, I watched as she retreated back to the lobby door. I quickly signed a few autographs, snapped a few selfies, eager to return to her side.

Navigating through the crowd with the help of hotel security, I finally reached my car. Once she was inside, I sped off. "I'm so sorry," I apologized. "If I had known there were so many people out there, I would have taken the side exit."

"It's okay," she replied, clearly taken aback by the ordeal. She remained quiet for the rest of the journey. I attempted to make small talk, but her responses were mostly one-word answers. It worried me. What if she decided she didn't want to be part of my hectic lifestyle?

I took her to a secluded restaurant by the bay. Originally, I had planned to take her out on my yacht, but after the hotel incident, we had lost a lot of time. With her flight at 5 pm and my own flight to Dallas at 3 pm, I wanted more time with her.

*Crystal's POV*

It had been four weeks since my weekend with Raymond, and I had been avoiding his calls. It wasn't because I didn't like him-on the contrary, I was scared, although I wouldn't admit it out loud.

He was persistent, sending me flowers and gifts and calling me four or five times a day. While I appreciated his gestures, I found myself hesitant to engage with him fully. Jessica didn't agree with my approach and made no effort to hide her disapproval. She believed I should at least communicate my feelings about the attention we were receiving.

The phone on my desk buzzed, interrupting my thoughts. It was Jessica. "Raymond is on the line. What excuse should I give him this time?" she asked sarcastically.

I had avoided him long enough. Although I still wasn't ready to fully open up, I couldn't keep dodging his calls forever. "Put the call through," I instructed her.

"Hello," I spoke into the phone.

"Hey, beautiful," he greeted me. "How are you?"

"I'm good," I replied. "And you?"

"I was wondering if I could see you tonight."

I missed his company terribly. He always knew how to make me feel comfortable and had a way of making me laugh. He brought happiness into my life, a feeling I hadn't experienced in a long time. He wasn't Jason, that much was certain. Why was I still thinking about that loser?

Before I could contemplate my answer, the words "I would like that" slipped out of my mouth.

I heard him exhale, relieved by my response. "I'll pick you up at 7," he said before ending the call, expressing his anticipation at seeing me.

Why was I so powerless when it came to him?

"Maybe it's because you're in love with him," Jessica suggested, answering my unspoken question. I cringed at the realization that I had been thinking out loud.

Jessica came and sat at the edge of my desk, looking me directly in the eyes. "You'd be a fool to let him slip away from you."

I knew she was right, but that didn't quell my fear.

"He's not Jason," she reassured me gently. "You have to move on and start trusting again."

She smiled at me. "You deserve to be happy. So why not be happy with your basketball crush, who's hotter than a Montserrat volcano erupting?"

I suppose she had a point. After all, I did like him. What did I have to lose?


Will Crystal be able to trust Raymond and let him in...stay tuned to find out.

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