Chapter Seven

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*Raymond POV*

She wore a black dress that hugged her figure, its hem grazing just above her knees, while her exposed back revealed sun-kissed skin, the smoothest I'd ever seen. Imagining her thick thighs wrapped around me consumed my thoughts, a sensation I hadn't indulged in for some time.

Since my last breakup, I'd opted for a more laid-back approach to relationships, neither seeking commitment nor indulging in casual encounters. Yet, occasionally, I found myself longing for the touch of a woman.

Drawing nearer to the group she conversed with, I overheard Steve complimenting her efforts. Eavesdropping, I discovered she was Jamaican, like DL's grandparents, and played a key role in organizing the event.

Her voice, laced with a unique island accent, held me spellbound. "Thank you, Mr. Curry... I mean Steve," she replied graciously.

"Hey, G-Money," Stephen greeted me, diverting my attention from the captivating woman.

"Hey, man... great party," I responded.

Disappointed by her departure, I longed for a chance to speak with her.

As she glided through the room, effortlessly charming each guest, I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy witnessing the attention she received from other men. It puzzled me why I felt this way toward someone I barely knew.

With alcohol clouding my judgment, I approached her recklessly, only to be met with silence as she led me to a seat, then walked away, disregarding me. Frustrated, I grabbed her hand, spewing drunken remarks until she delivered a swift blow to my face, leaving me dazed and bloodied.

*Next Morning*

Waking up with a pounding headache, I recalled the events of the previous night, regret washing over me. Slipping out of bed, I swallowed aspirin and headed to the bathroom, but not before Steven, Trey, Andrew, and Dave, my teammates came barging into my room.

Their teasing about my bruised ego and "defeat" at the hands of a girl stung, but I knew they meant well. Steven informed me that Crystal had been the one to escort me to my room and leave aspirin for me, prompting a wave of shame.

Realizing my mistake, I knew I owed her an apology. Showering and dressing quickly, I set out to find her, determined to make amends for my behavior.

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