Chapter Ten

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*Raymond POV*

Training sessions were grueling, with the coaches pushing us to our limits as we aimed to build upon last season's successes. The sting of coming so close to the Title fueled our hunger to return to the Finals.

Given a rare two-day break from training, I decided to fly to Fresno to see her. Yet, as I sat in my rental car across from the hotel, doubt crept in. What if she didn't want to see me? What if she harbored resentment? What if she had moved on with someone else? These questions swirled in my mind, casting a shadow over my resolve.

Then, amidst my uncertainty, I spotted her. Sporting a bun atop her head, she exuded confidence in a beige pantsuit that hugged her figure in all the right places. She was a vision of natural beauty, radiating purpose with every step she took.

Engaged in conversation with a man and a woman who appeared to be guests, her captivating presence held their undivided attention. When they departed, her gaze met mine, and in that moment, our eyes locked.

*Crystal's POV*

A peculiar sensation nagged at me, as though unseen eyes were upon me. It wasn't the unsettling feeling of being watched; rather, it was a subtle unease that tinged my nerves.

Dismissive of the sensation, I focused on my responsibilities. With a wedding reception to oversee, meticulously checking the ballroom's preparations occupied my attention. Everything needed to be perfect, especially given that the bride was the daughter of our General Manager-a crucial connection for securing a contract extension.

Returning to my office to finalize paperwork, I noticed Jessica exchanging amused glances with our new receptionist, Pat. A mischievous spark in Jessica's eyes hinted at something, and my curiosity was piqued.

Entering my office, I found him waiting-a towering figure with broad shoulders that seemed to fill the room. His presence was magnetic, his physique sculpted and powerful. Clad in blue ripped jeans, he looked like a model from a men's catalog.

Clearing my throat to regain composure, I asked, "Can I help you?"

He turned toward me with a disarming smile, his pearly white teeth and sparkling eyes sending a shiver down my spine. I felt a flutter in my stomach, a sensation I couldn't ignore.

"I was in town and thought I'd drop by to say hi," he replied, extending his hand for a handshake.

"Okay, hi," I stammered, mentally chastising myself for my lackluster response.

"Thanks for the flowers," I whispered, grateful for the distraction.

He blushed, attempting to downplay the gesture. "I didn't put my name on the card, so I wasn't sure if you knew they were from me."

"I assumed they were from you," I admitted, my heart racing at his proximity.

He reached into his pocket, producing a business card and scribbling his private cellphone number on it before handing it to me-a gesture that left me speechless.

As we stood there in awkward silence, the ringing phone broke the tension. Handling the call professionally, I promised to coordinate the event details promptly.

Turning back to him, I regretfully informed him of my impending duties. "I'd offer you a seat, but I need to prepare for the wedding reception."

"Don't let me keep you," he replied, a hint of disappointment in his tone. "Duty calls."

We shared another moment of wordless communication before he bid his farewell with a wink and a hopeful remark.

Left alone to process the encounter, I couldn't shake the feeling of being swept off my feet by an NBA superstar. Conflicted and unsure, I resolved to seek Jessica's counsel.

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