Chapter Eight

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*Crystal POV*

I must admit, I still felt rattled from last night's encounter. Who did this guy think he was? Despite his disrespectful behavior, for some reason, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for him.

Raymond Green, the latest addition to the Warriors, joined the team just before last season's All-Star break. Drafted as the 5th overall pick, he showed immense potential. However, his on-court antics mirrored those of a modern-day Dennis Rodman, minus the tattoos and colorful hair. While his energy and defensive prowess were undeniable, his theatrical displays irked coaches, leading to a lack of team chemistry. Consequently, he bounced around the league like a ping pong ball, playing for four teams in just two seasons. However, the Warriors recognized his true potential and acquired him in a three-way trade. Since joining the team, Raymond's game had seen a remarkable improvement. He was now averaging 15 points, 20 rebounds, and 7 blocked shots per game, with a remarkable 60% shooting rate from beyond the arc. Notably, he was named Most Improved Player of the Year and made the All-Defensive 2nd Team while helping the Warriors reach the Finals, though they fell short of the title. Reflecting on the situation, I sighed, questioning why I was spending my time scouting Raymond Green and the Warriors. After all, our paths were unlikely to cross again after today.

Seated in my office, I struggled to focus on my work. I had paperwork to finish and needed to supervise the ballroom setup for the wedding reception scheduled for 3 p.m.

Moments later, Jessica poked her head in, interrupting my thoughts. "Sorry to bother you, but there's a Raymond Green here to see you," she said, a smirk playing on her lips.

"No, this can't be happening," I whispered to myself. I had no desire to see him again or engage in another altercation. Last night, his inebriation had given me the upper hand, but facing him sober was a daunting prospect.

"It looks like he's here to apologize," Jessica teased, raising an eyebrow.

Defeated, I sighed and instructed her to send him in.

As I attempted to tidy my desk, Raymond entered the room, exuding confidence. Standing before me, all 7 feet 2 inches of him, he cut an imposing figure, muscles rippling beneath his tailored suit. His movements revealed his strength, leaving me momentarily mesmerized. Realizing my thoughts were straying, I scolded myself internally, chastising my attraction to him.

"Good morning," he said, smirking slightly, his gaze fixed on me.

Feeling a flush creep up my cheeks, I replied in my most authoritative tone, determined not to let him see how he affected me.

He nervously rubbed the back of his head, resembling a guilty child caught in the act.

"I wanted to come and apologize for my behavior last night," he began, his tone contrite. "I don't know what came over me. I had been drinking, and I was a little drunk..."

"A little drunk?" I interjected, incredulous.

Realizing the severity of his actions, he acknowledged his wrongdoing, expressing sincere remorse.

After a moment's hesitation, I forgave him.

*Raymond's POV*

Entering her office to offer my apology, I noticed Crystal arranging papers on her desk. Clad in a pink cashmere sweater, she looked radiant, even without makeup.

I observed her discreetly checking me out, causing a surge of confidence within me.

"Good morning," I greeted her, catching her off guard.

Blushing, she responded, attempting to maintain her composure.

Crystal was undeniably attractive, with a stern yet beautiful countenance that commanded respect. Her eyes held a depth that intrigued me, and I couldn't help but feel drawn to her.

As I apologized for my behavior, I noticed her demeanor soften, indicating that she had forgiven me.

Leaving her office, I couldn't shake the feeling that I wanted to see her again and make a positive impression.

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