Chapter Nine

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*Crystal POV*

*Three weeks later*

It had been three weeks since my encounter with Raymond Green, and for some inexplicable reason, I couldn't shake him from my thoughts.

Jessica, my secretary and long-time friend since I started working here, had been persistently bringing up that night. According to her, Raymond seemed infatuated after leaving my office the day he apologized. Even worse, she had convinced herself that I felt the same, simply because I accepted his apology.

Jessica had always been a matchmaker at heart, insisting that it was unnatural for a young, successful black woman like myself to be single. She was happily married to her high school sweetheart, and their love sometimes made me envious. While I had chosen to prioritize my career, there were moments when the loneliness crept in.

After confiding in Jessica about my past heartbreak, she made it her mission to find me the perfect match. She had set her sights on Raymond, claiming that our personalities would complement each other. I knew she was well-intentioned, but her fixation on this idea bordered on insanity.

But what if she was right? They say that when you can't stop thinking about someone, it's because you like them. Lost in my thoughts as usual, I didn't hear the soft knock at the door. It wasn't until Jessica barged into the office that I realized someone was there.

She was dressed in her typical provocative attire, today donning knee-high suede boots, a short red mini-skirt, and a low-cut beige silk blouse that accentuated her curves. As always, her makeup was flawless.

At times, I wished I could be as bold as Jessica. While I knew how to rock an outfit, I tended to err on the side of conservatism, preferring to cover up more than she did. Jessica often teased me, suggesting that my reluctance to show off my assets stemmed from not having a man to dress up for.

Approaching my desk, my attention was drawn to the bouquet in her hands—lilies of the valley and orchids. She was positively radiant as she sat down and placed the flowers before me.

"What is your husband up to now?" I teased.

"Oh, these aren't from Vitty this time," she replied, her excitement palpable. "They're for you."

Receiving flowers wasn't entirely uncommon for me, typically from clients expressing appreciation for a job well done or from hopeful suitors seeking my attention. But receiving them anonymously was unusual.

"Me? Are you sure?" I questioned.

"Bet you can't guess who they're from," she said, a mischievous glint in her eye.

Curious, I attempted to peek at the card, only to be thwarted by Jessica's preemptive inspection.

"Don't bother looking at the card; I already did, and there's no name on it," she declared.

"Then how do you know who they're from?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

Jessica smirked. "Like duh, they're from someone who's trying to apologize."

While I doubted her deduction, I couldn't deny her expertise when it came to flowers. Still, receiving apology flowers from Raymond three weeks after the fact seemed unlikely. Then again, he had been at basketball camp, a fact that wasn't lost on me as a basketball fan.

Despite my skepticism, the flowers were undeniably beautiful, and if they were from Raymond—a big if—it was a thoughtful gesture on his part. Jessica promptly retrieved a vase to display them.

"So, are you going to call him?" she inquired.

"Why would I call him?" I countered. "Give me one good reason."

"At the very least, to say thank you," she suggested.

"He didn't even put his name on the card. If he wanted acknowledgment, he should have at least identified himself," I retorted.

*Raymond's POV*

Two days ago, I sent her flowers anonymously, a decision I now regretted. I mentally berated myself for the rookie mistake.

I couldn't shake the feeling I had about her. Everything seemed to remind me of her—her smile, her warmth, her ambition. Despite telling myself I wasn't ready for another relationship after Bianca, I couldn't ignore this pull toward her.

My friends kept advising me to distract myself with other women to ease the pain of heartbreak, but I longed for stability. I wanted to settle down, to find someone to be a mother to my daughter and provide consistency in our lives.

I needed Crystal...

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