Chapter Fourteen

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*Raymond POV*

"Man, can't believe you're dating Crystal Lewis," remarked Trey during warm-up.

"Who's that?" inquired rookie Martin Poole.

"She was the events planner from DL's bachelor party. He got drunk and messed around with her, and she punched him in the nose," explained Steve.

They all winced in sympathy.

"Let's just say she knocked some sense into me," I interjected. "And for the record, we're not dating. I just invited her to the game, that's all."

Andre slapped me on the shoulders and remarked, "Private jet, accommodations at the Lodge...oh, and not to mention her very own security detail. If that isn't the action of a man trying to get into her draws, I don't know what is."

"Come on, man, it's not like that, and you know it," I retorted, attempting to defend myself.

I received skeptical looks in return. "Alright, whatever you guys want to say. She's a class act and should be treated as such," I conceded.

"Oh, shoot man," chimed in Steve. He and his wife, Keisha, had stayed in touch with Crystal. "Look, man, I like what you're doing. Just be careful, because she and Keisha have grown close, and I don't want to be sleeping on the couch if you mess up."

"I don't think you have to worry about that. If he messes up, she'll just whoop his ass," added Andrew.

"Okay, guys, let's get ready for game time," intervened the coach.

As the tip-off approached, I glanced over at her seat and found her there. She wore black skinny jeans that accentuated her curves, showcasing her figure. Her hair was styled in an afro twist with a headband featuring the number 23, which brought a smile to my face. Unsure if the jersey would fit, I watched as it draped over her, highlighting the subtle curves of her chest. Damn, this woman was going to be the death of me.

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts and suppress the arousal stirring within me. Just then, she caught my eye, her smile growing brighter as our gazes met. She waved at me and mouthed, "Good luck."

*Crystal's POV*

Arriving at the arena just before the starting line-up, I witnessed him standing there, exuding a sense of strength and confidence. His back turned to me as he conversed with one of his coaches, his muscular shoulders captivating my attention. Watching him stretch and flex his arms, I couldn't help but imagine his powerful hands on my body, sending shivers down my spine.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sight of a little girl who resembled Chrissy, the young girl I had met at the airport on my first day in the country. Or so I thought.

Returning my gaze to Raymond, I found him already looking at me. A surge of joy washed over me as I waved and mouthed, "Good luck." His smile in response melted my heart as he made his way to the center of the court for tip-off.

As the game unfolded, with the Warriors trailing by ten points at halftime, I found myself sending Raymond a text message. Offering a tactical suggestion, I watched as he emerged in the third quarter, revitalized and focused, making defensive stops one after the other. It was exhilarating to witness.

After the game, my security detail escorted me to the VIP lounge to await Raymond. Spotting Keisha Curry, I greeted her warmly.

"Hey, girl," she exclaimed, enveloping me in a hug. "How have you been?"

"I've been good," I replied. "And how are the kids?"

"They're doing great," she assured me. "So, I heard you're dating Raymond Green?"

"We're not dating, we're just friends," I clarified.

"I think he sees you as more than just friends. He's a good guy, despite everything he's been through lately, especially with his recent breakup," she confided.

Curious, I inquired, "What happened with his last breakup?"

"Let's just say it didn't end well, and he was hurt badly. But that's his story to tell when he's ready," Keisha responded. "If it's any consolation, I think someone like you is exactly what he needs."

Before I could respond, Raymond approached, pulling me into a hug from behind and whispering in my ear, "Glad you came."

His casual display of affection caught me off guard, yet strangely, I felt at ease. As we headed to the car, his arm draped around my neck, I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort. His kiss on my head and words of gratitude felt natural, as if we were more than just friends.

Caught off guard by his actions, I stammered a response, "You're welcome, even though I'm not sure what I'm being thanked for."

"I got your text message during halftime," he revealed.

"It was just a hunch," I shrugged. "I wasn't sure if you would see it, but I'm glad you did."

Navigating through traffic i enquired about Marcus and Rocky, Raymond explained, "When you're with me, my security doesn't have to be around unless we're at events with large crowds. Your safety is a priority for me."

"Ah, I see," I murmured, taken aback by his thoughtfulness. The conversation about the security detail I had planned went out the window.

"Are you hungry? There's a restaurant nearby with amazing food. We could grab a bite to eat," he suggested, making a turn.

Just as I was about to decline, my traitorous stomach rumbled. Raymond chuckled, interpreting it as a sign to feed me.

I smiled shyly, realizing I had never met someone like him before. Since my breakup with Jason, I had tried dating, but nothing had clicked. With Raymond, it felt different—natural, even. His attention to detail and level of concern were refreshing.

Reflecting on our evening together, I resolved to cherish the time I had with him and learn more about him. Despite the uncertainty, I felt a sense of comfort in his presence—a feeling I hadn't experienced in a long time.

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