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"Huh will something erotic really happen in this novel?"

I struggled to keep my eyes open as I read an 18+ webnovel on my phone. It was late night but I was curious to read instead of sleeping.

I swiped to the next chapter in hopes of getting the scene I wanted- but nothing!

The story was about the sexual encounters of a beautiful nun Sophia who was kidnapped by the sadistic villain Eric of the story. He made her fuck countless men and turned her into his own sex toy.

"But why can't I find that part??" I felt so frustrated with the story's development.
The original plot of the story didn't focus much on the erotic scenes, it focused more on the nun's lovestory with the crown prince Rion or the male lead of the story.

So the story goes that Rion was engaged to the daughter of the ducal family, Caroline Vorsack, also the villainess of the story. After being abandoned by the crown prince, she swore revenge on his love Sophia. And she did that by using her devoted villain Eric.

Caroline Vorsack was a dangerous woman.

The Vorsack duchy was infamous for their black magic powers. Brainwashing was one of the most notorious of them all.

On her 12th birthday, the Duke gifted Caroline with her own personal slave, Eric Arguens. But he was no ordinary boy, he had an unbelievable amount of mana, one that only great sages did. The boy grew up brainwashed to love and obey Caroline, who used him to torture the innocent female lead so that she could marry the crown prince.

But the nun's divine powers slowly healed Eric's brainwashing. And soon the Villainess Caroline died at his hands. He spent the rest of his life serving his sins at the church.

While Sophia and Rion got married and lived happily ever after.

The end.

"This is bullshit! I can't believe this has such a high rating?" I tossed my phone in frustration. The story was definitely not what I expected it to be- with only a few chapters really focusing on the erotic parts and the female lead being such a weak ass bitch!

Only scenes I liked were the ones between the Villain Eric and his beloved Caroline...At least she got what she wanted hahaha.

"But did I just sacrifice my sleep to read this garbage!?" I looked at clock it was 5:00 am. I had to go to work at 8, so I'll be getting hardly 2 hrs of sleep!

Such is the life of an ordinary working woman!

Growing up I never had a boyfriend, not because I was ugly but because I had very conservative parents who prohibited me from dating so that I could focus on my studying.

Now that I am independent, I'm still single because my work life never lets me date anyone.

So all that I can do is read smuts on my phone to imagine what it will be like to touch a handsome guy and be in his arms!

"Atleast I hope to dream of something great!" I closed my eyes to fall asleep very easily.

But I had a very weird dream.

In my dream I walked through the darkness and stopped in front of a huge door. I don't know what compelled me but I opened the door to be blinded by enchanting lights.

That's all I remember.

Even in my sleep, I realised I was sleeping for too long and too peaceful.

"Huh the alarm must have rung anytime by now?"

The nasty sound of the alarm that wakes me up everyday for work was nowhere to be heard.

Instead I heard someone's voice.

"The miss is still asleep. She's tired from yesterday's party."

I listened carefully still half asleep and heard another voice.

"But I want to see her! Why can't we be together?"

The voice sounded like a little boy's desperate for affection.

"Not now the Miss is resting now!" The lady shrieked.

I heard footsteps rushing towards me... then the other side of the bed lumped down as if someone jumped on it.

"Carrie!" I opened my eyes to find a little boy calling out To me in tears.

"What the hell is going on??"

"Sorry Miss, this slave is rather persistent..." The lady said.

"Noo! Let me go! I wanna stay with Carrie!" The boy was dragged away by a few servants.

I never felt so freaking confused in my entire life. What's going on?? Where am  I? I looked around me to find myself in an extravagant looking room. It was filled with luxurious furnitures and many antique items. But what caught my eyes wasn't any of that, it was the potrait that hung on the wall in front of me.

Beautiful black hair, enchanting green eyes. There was no mistake-

I jumped out of the bed to check the mirror and gasped to see the same reflection as the painting in front of me.

Caroline Vorsack, I've become the Villainess of the story!

"Miss are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." The lady asked.

I really have...I felt like screaming on the top of my lungs!


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Reincarnated As The Villainess Of An 18+ WebnovelWhere stories live. Discover now