21- Goddess

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"Why was there a delay in supply?? Where is the ice??" The duke of Vorsack asked, he was visibly angry and in that state no one dared to speak even a word to him.

Before him was a man grovelling down on his knees, shivering with fear.

"Sir I'm deeply sorry but..."

"Cut the apologies and get to the point "

"There was a raid at the wagon last week...the men have confiscated the ice! We were only able to save a few bags..."

"A raid?? What the hell were your men doing??"

"They were no ordinary men Sir! Our guards tried their best to fight them but they were too strong and we were outnumbered!"

"Who would dare to do such a thing?Even the imperial family doesn't mess with our business and you are telling me a bunch of men came out of nowhere and defeated your trained guards?? Whose men were they??"

"Sir I think I saw the crest of the holy sun on them..."

"What the hell!?" The duke gasped in shock.

"Do you know what you are talking about you punk!? The crest of the holy sun belongs to the knights of the holy church!"

"Yes sir...Those men had to be trained knights otherwise normal men wouldn't stand a chance against us!"

"Why would the holy church interfere with us? They have never done so in the past..."

"Sir they also mentioned something about punishing us in the name of their goddess..."

"What...?" The Duke's brow furrowed together in confusion. Even a man like him who did not follow any faith knew that there was only one god worshipped in the entire empire of Rivans. He had never heard of a goddess before!

"I have no idea about it Sir, I am deeply sorry!!"

"I don't want to hear your sorrys  you useless fucker!" The duke kicked the man in the stomach very hard making blood gush out of his mouth.

The man whimpered in pain on the ground.

"Get the goods back, or else your head will be hanging on the doorstep of your house tomorrow" the duke glared at him like a monster.

"I'll try...I'll try my best sir!" He cried.


Its the day Roseanne was set to return back to Karlos.

"Can't you stay a little longer? We have met after 7 long years! Must you return back so early?" I ask.

"No Caroline, I can't leave the Arguens manor unattended for so long...But I promise to write back to you when I get back!" She says.

I hug her before she gets up on the carriage as a goodbye.

"Please take care of yourself Roseanne! And don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need my help again!"

"You too Caroline! Although I may not be a big help but I swear I'll do whatever I can to help you!" She smiles warmly.

Roseanne is such a kind woman. But her kindness is also her weakness! She's surrounded by too many evil men who wouldn't hesitate to harm her at any chance they get!

I need to protect her at all costs...I swear to myself.

I wave her goodbye for the final time and watch as the carriage disappears in the distance.

Then just from the opposite direction another carriage appears.

"The lord of Vorsack is here" a man on horse before the carriage announces.

"Father is back?" The duke was away for a week to take care of some important business. I had been handling the duties since then in his absence.

As he gets off the carriage, I greet him but he doesn't respond and walks inside without looking back.

He has a terrible look on his face,just like the ones me and Laura had yesterday...

"Did something happen?" I ask the guard on the horse.

The guard got down from his horse and bowed noticing me.

"Milady there was a slight problem at the wagon near the capital..." He says.


"There was a raid by churchmen and our ice has been confiscated..."

I gasp at those words.

In the underworld, Ice was a special term that meant hard drugs. The Duke was involved in drug trafficking business and the wagon in the capital was under a fallen baron named Cohen who failed his business and was deeply indebted to Duke Vorsack who took him as his Lackey.

I rush inside the Duke's chambers to get the details out of Father. It looks like the nanny is already present over there.

"Father what is going on? Is it true that there was a raid??" I ask.

The Duke rubbed his temples, "Yes we lost ice worth of of thousands of gold"

"Who would do such a thing? Weren't the guards present over there" the nanny asks.

"Leona, this is not something our guards could have handled...I suspect that those were knights under the holy church!"  He says looking at the nanny.

And just when we hear his words, nanny and me look at each other in shock.

"This is strange...The church has never messed with us. Why now?"

"Milord... Actually while you were away there was an incident..." The nanny explained what we saw at the church yesterday.

"What in the world....??!! There's no way..." The duke gasps in shock

"It's true both me and Laura saw it with our own eyes! I don't know what is happening Father, but I know that those priests and the nuns were worshipping a woman named Sophia..."

"Now that you mention it...those holy knights also mentioned a goddess..." He says.

"A goddess? But isn't there only one god worshipped by the church??" The nanny asks.

"That's what I thought too. Even so Caroline, this is some incredible information you have got, I'm actually very surprised." The duke says.

"Absolutely right Milord, the lady is now all grown up!"

I only smile at their compliments, even though it's true that I've discovered something really incredible but that only means I've got more to worry!

"What do you think Father...is the appearance of this goddess connected to the raid? Do you think she ordered them??"

"I have no idea...Why would they mess with us? What would the church do with the ice?"

"I wouldn't be surprised if they sold them..."

Considering the fact that those priests were involved in things like extortion and sex, I wouldn't be surprised if they sold drugs to the worshippers!

"Unforgivable!! They dare to touch our goods!? I'll make each and every one of them pay!" The Duke burns with anger.

"Father, we need to find more about the church before acting on them..." I say.

The church seems to be shrouded in mystery and standing above all of them is Sophia, the female lead of this story...

"Then what do you suggest we do??" He asks.

I thought of waiting and watching but I think we can't do it anymore...

"I think we should talk with the crown prince about this..."


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