71- Eyes

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"Well...For that we would need someone's help." Zero says.

"Leader don't tell me you..." Nine gasps.

"Yes, she's the only person in this world who can tame that beast..."

"It's Caroline Vorsack. The woman he is madly in love with" Zero says.

"There's no way I can allow it!" Nine gets up from his chair and slams the table with his fist.

Everyone present in the room gasps.

The always cool and collected Nine, getting angry that too at the leader himself?

"Sit down Nine, let's discuss everything peacefully" Zero says.

"Peacefully? How do you expect me to stay calm after what you just said?? Do you have any idea what Caroline is going through? How could you even ask her to come face to face with the man who caused her so much pain???" Nine screams.

"This is my first time seeing you like this...You are not being yourself Nine..." Seven worries.

"I don't understand how can you even defend that wench so much? She started it, so she's responsible for her bullshit! I mean why did she let Eric Arguens free in the first place if he was such a dangerous creature!?" Six argues.

Nine gives Six a dead glare on hearing her insult Caroline.

Six gulps down a lump in her throat out of fear.

Nine looked really scary...

"Quiet down both of you" Zero orders.

"And as for you Nine...please don't forget that it's not upto you to decide anything. If anyone can decide here, it is Lady Caroline. Let her choose her own battles!" Zero says to Nine.

"I...I can't do that! I can't bear to see her in any more pain than this!" Nine tightens his fist harder.

"I felt incompetent, I felt like a loser! I couldn't protect her from pain! I couldn't protect her from that bastard Eric Arguens! I couldn't do it!"

Everyone in the room looks at him...

"Nine... don't tell me you are...with Lady Caroline..." Seven tries to state the obvious.

But Nine doesn't reply.

He brushes the strands of his hair back and turns around to leave.

There was a dead silence in the hall.

It was finally broken by Two as she says, "So...What now?"

"Nothing much...it's just as we discussed. We need Lady Caroline's help if we want to stop Eric Arguens" Zero says.

"But how are we supposed to do that?" Three asks.

"Since we are siding with the Vorsacks, we will have to reach out to the Duke for it." Zero says.

"But the Duke of Vorsack will never allow his daughter to..." Three says.

"As I said before...It is upto Lady Caroline which battles she chooses to fight in!" Zero says.

"Well whatever we do, we need to do it fast." Ten adds.

"Let's send a message to the Vorsacks informing that we would be supporting and would like to meet them..." Zero smiles.

"Will do it" Three says.

"So then the meeting is dissolved!" Zero says and gets up from his place.

All of the members get up from their respective places.


At the Vorsacks Manor...

"It has been 4 days since we have declared a war..." The nanny says.

"Yes..." The Duke answers while cleaning his sword.

"But don't you think it's too calm?" She asks the obvious.

"Yes. It is" he replies.

"Do you think they are..."

"Yes. The reason they gave us two weeks time is because they want us to believe that we will be busy training our soldiers and would let our defence down. That is when they would plan a surprise attack on us" He explains.

"True...I have also thought the same. But they don't know that they are going up against the Vorsacks! We have already predicted their first move!"

"Make sure our defence is great and also take care of all of our underground routes, we would be needing them soon."

"Underground routes?"

"Yes, the ones that we use to connect our mansion with our Backup Armory and escape routes"

"Escape routes? We certainly wouldn't be needing to escape from the enemy right?"

"At times of war, one must be prepared for anything. Personally I would rather die than surrender to those scums but same cannot be said for my daughter. I cannot watch her get hurt anymore" his voice softens when he mentions of Caroline.

"She wouldn't...! I'm sure everything will be over once we can catch that half blood!" Nanny assures.

"No it won't be...I know my daughter the best."

"What do you mean??"

"I have seen her eyes...They remind me of her mother Zerlasha before she died. She used to look at me with the same eyes! I will never forget those eyes Leona...Eyes full of so much hatred but also torn apart by love...!" His eyes open wide like a madman.

"Caroline's eyes have started to look like that..."

The nanny looks away, she knows very well what he is referring to.

"I should have never brought that boy into my daughter's life..." He regrets.

"It's not your fault, Milord! You wished well upon the lady! You wished him to take protect her! You wished he would obey us! And that is also why you have invested so much on brainwashing that kid!"

"But that never worked on him...our black magic won't work on him, Leona and that is the absolute truth!"

"But...if that's the case...then how are we supposed to defeat him?"

Before the Duke can reply there is a knock on the door...

"Come in" He orders.

The guard opens the door along with a black haired boy and a red haired girl.

"Who is this?"

"Milord we have found these two lurking around the mansion, but when we tried to capture them, they have used magic on us!"

"Mages? Who are you!?" The nanny screams.

"Chill Lady, we are here to talk. That is why we have gotten ourselves caught, can't you see that!" The boy replies.

"What?" The Duke raises a brow.

"Yes, nice to meet you Gramps, you may call me Seven" The boy grins

"And this is Six" he says pointing over to the grumpy red haired girl.

"You are no ordinary brats...who sent you...?" The Duke asks.

"Well we are from the secret society"

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