16-My Beloved

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Morning comes quickly, my head feels crazy with your thoughts, Caroline. I find it hard to concentrate on anything other than you.

"GET OUT RIGHT NOW! I don't want to see your face again! Don't even think of coming back here!"

Thos words keep ringing in my ears making me feel crazy!

Why do you continue to confuse me like this?

Just a few moments before you....

He recalls the deep kiss they had shared last night. Her soft lips, her hot breaths, her thirsty eyes! The more he thought about it, the more he felt his blood boil with madness.

How could you be so cruel Caroline? After all these years I waited for you patiently, working so hard to prove my worth to you and now you throw me away???

"Is everything alright Eric?" Srivalline asks.

He didn't answer he was deep in his thoughts.


Her voice wakes him up from his daze


"What are you thinking about? You haven't touched your food at all!"

"Ah it's nothing for you to worry milady" he smiles as usual.

"No but Eric you are acting a little different since yesterday when we visited the Vorsacks... I have never seen you get that aggressive as you did with that nanny!"

He remembers the incident from the tea party. He always looses his cool when it comes to her!

"Oh and about the mines deal...I don't think we can trust the Vorsacks with them." She says.


"Although Caroline seems like a nice girl but the truth is there are many rumours about the Vorsacks and their underworld activities."

"Is that so?"  I pretend to not know anything about them.

"Yes, and not only that! A trusted informer of mine told me that, it seems that the Vorsacks practice black magic! You know the dark magic that deals with controlling the dead, putting hexes and also brainwashing among other banned activities? Rivans may be tolerant to such things but you know how strict we have to be in Karlos after the black plague" Srivalline explains."

"But isn't black magic only practiced by elves??"

"That is also what I thought. Its mentioned in history books that the elves are magical creatures that used to rule the earth through black magic, many years ago. After the seven great sages defeated the elf king, the world was divided into two realms, The human realm and the elf realm. Humans are forbidden to enter the elf world or interact with them and vice versa, So that ancient magic must have been forgotten long ago...But for some reason, the Vorsacks seem to have the secret knowledge of that magic" She says.

"I see." I take a sip of the tea calmly.

"That is why we need to be extra careful! you know what happened during the black plague right...So many of our subjects even the empress...!" Lady Srivalline shivers as she thinks back of that time.

The black plague was the deadliest plague of the century. It hit Karlos wiping out nearly a quarter of its population!

Dozens of dead bodies on roads.

Streets filled with cries of anguish.

Families abandoning their close ones in fear of getting contaminated....

When a person caught the disease, Black scars started to appear on their skins, hence the name. The victims feel their whole bodies burn alive as tears of blood fall down their eyes, then slowly they start loosing their minds, hallucinating their worst nightmares! And soon their heart stops beating...

They die within a week!

The disease affected the nobles and commoners alike, no one was safe, not even the Empress herself!

"No this can't be!? Brother we have to save sister in law!" Srivalline cries.

"The doctor said there's nothing we can do at this stage..." The emperor hugs his sister trying his best not to cry.

Everyone had no other choice but to isolate their own family during their last times, in fear of contamination!

It was truly a nightmare.

There was no cure.

Until one of the great sages had appeared and lifted the curse, only then it had stopped.

It is said that the plague was caused due to black magic.

Many years ago, Someone had cursed the imperial family of Karlos because of the arrogance of their ancestors, that everyone in their family would die out leaving no successors.

"If we were the cursed ones then why? Then why are innocent people dying??" The emperor cried.

"This is not a curse of the imperial family...This is a curse on the whole Empire! This cannot be done by a mere human or even an elf! It has to be a half blood!" The great sage said.

"Half blood? What does that mean?"

"It's a creature with the forbidden blood of both an elf and a human!"

"What? But how's that possible? We know that in past, there were a few instances of a relationship between an elf and a human but we all know that their children never survive in this world, they can't survive neither in the elf realm  nor in the human realm making them die in the womb or as an infant. We have executed anyone who dared to cross the other realm and even executed their families so as to no one can ever commit such a grave sin again!" The emperor said.

"It is unbelievable, but not impossible. It must be the result of a mutation! Such a creature must not be allowed to exist in this world! They would be more powerful than anyone and the amount of mana they will possess will surpass even us, The 7 great sages!" The great sage feared as he told the emperor and Srivalline.

Sitting on the other side of the table was me. A person who got recognised by the royal family because of my volunteer work to treat the ill during the plague when everyone was sitting indoors, afraid of their lives. And of course I never got affected because I am...

Eric Arguens, a half blood disguised as a human, with magic.

"Eric??" Srivalline call out my name making me come out of my thoughts.

"Yes Milady?"

"I was just saying that we need to be careful with the Vorsacks. Even though it seems that the imperial family of Rivan has good ties with them, it only means that their hands are long enough to reach the crown! But then again I don't really want to break ties with Caroline, she's doesn't seem to be like them, she's such a sweet lady! It can't be her fault that she's born in such a family!" She says.

I take a sip of the tea again.

That's right.

I need her to believe that the Vorsacks are cruel.

But Caroline is pure, she needs to be saved from those bastards.

It was me who sent the informer who told her about the Vorsacks and their ties with the underworld and black magic.

And when I finally become the emperor...

I'm gonna destroy the Vorsacks.

So that you will not have anywhere to go but me.

I'll make you my queen!

Caroline, my beloved.


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