78-A cursed world

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Morning comes too soon, as I lie beside my love.

My hands wrapped around her frail body, her beautiful face ao close to mine.

All my life, I had wished for this moment...

To go to sleep every night...

And wake up every morning beside the one I love...

Is this a dream?

I think as I stare at her gorgeous face filled with awe...

My hands reach out to remove the locks of her hair from her face...

She opened her enchanting green eyes at my touch...

Its not a dream...

Caroline, you are really here with me?

But why do her eyes...

Look so sad?

Why do they look like...

They have lost the life inside of them?

She removes my hand from her face coldly and gets up.


There you go again Caroline...

Toying with my foolish heart...

I look away as she gets dressed...

In the end...

I am the fool...

Even after we locked our lips and touched each other so passionately last night...

You are still...

It really means nothing to you?

But then...

Why did you cry so much?

Why did you beg me to live?

If I really mean nothing to you then...


"Why did you come here?" I ask.

She doesn't say a word.

"Do you know what will happen if anyone finds you here? Your father is a war criminal and you are..."

"I am a cheap woman who had multiple affairs including ones with the man from another nation and tried to kill him because I was about to get married to the crown prince?" She continues.

"Caroline that's not-"

"That is what you made me Eric...You destroyed my family, my reputation, my future, my everything!!!" She glates at me.

Her twisted face looks crazy...

I sigh and say, "You left me with no choice! I waited 7 years for you! 7 long years, I tried my best to gather all the power in the world just so that I would be worthy of you! You had promised me that you would never leave my side! But how could you...how could you do this to me Caroline!? How could you marry another man and expect me to watch?"

"Shut your mouth! You know nothing! Do you know why I sent you away for those 7 years to Karlos?? It was because I wanted to free you! I pitied your condition and thought of you as a poor boy who was brainwashed by my father! That is why I sent you away, far away from me! Where you won't be hurt. I sent along mages who were instructed to undo your brainwashing so that you would forget everything and live happily! I gave you everything you needed. A loving mother, wealth, education, training...I gave them all to you and this is how you repay me?"

"Caroline...what are you...?"

"That's right Eric! Those 7 years I hoped to never see you again! I hoped you would live happily but away from me! But what is this? you come back and hold your sword to my neck?"

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