13- You are too Cruel

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"What the hell do you mean??? How can he not be brainwashed? You took him to the dungeon and brainwashed him regularly for an entire year and half! You brainwashed him to love me and obey the Vorsacks just like other slaves! Did you forget??" I shout hysterically.

"Lady, he's different from other slaves..." The mage speaks in a terrified voice, "That boy...he's a monster!"


"All these years he was pretending to forget everything to fool us! This year, his whole attitude changed all of a sudden. He no longer pretended, he even set foot in Rivans despite us warning! We tried to stop him but he almost killed me! I underestimated that brat, he is much more terrifying than I imagined! Even one of the top mages like us didn't stand a chance against him, just a single boy!"

"What are you talking about? I can't understand why brainwashing won't work on him and why wont his memories be erased? It has been done to so many others and it always worked?? What is the reason??" I ask

What is the reason that he still loves me???

"I can't be sure Milady, but if I were to take a guess then it would be because of his half blood, a half human and a half elf. He is different from others, and we don't know much about a creature like him because they are not mentioned of in any books. All we know is that they never survive past the age of one, but someone like him has never been mentioned in the history! Plus if other half bloods like him exists, they would also hide their identities like him. Since we don't have any knowledge about his kind, all that we can do is make assumptions, and my assumption is that half-bloods are immune to black magic."  The nanny explains.

"No...No way! How is that possible? He was brainwashed! He was brainwashed and due to that he started loving me!"

"He was also brainwashed to obey the Vorsacks but we know that he never did. He always rebelled against anyone other than you"

I gasp at those words.

It's true that he always rebelled against the Vorsacks and never really obeyed anyone.

Anyone other than me...

"So that means..." My lips start trembling.

"Yes milady..."

"He has always loved me?"

"Caroline?" Roseanne calls out my name,
"Is something wrong? You don't look well?"

"No it's nothing..." I say with a smile but my forehead is covered in sweat.

The nanny notices my nervousness and says, "I'll serve you both the dinner".

"Yes! I'm actually very hungry right now! Let's go Roseanne!" I try to change the subject.

"Oh okay" Roseanne nods.

At the dinner table

"By the way, where is the duke?" Roseanne asks.

"Father is out of town for some important business" I answer without looking.

"Oh" she realises that I was out of it.

My mind wasn't at the dinner table, it was at hell. I slice the meat with the knife making extremely loud noises without even realising.

"Is something wrong Caroline....?"

I realise what I was doing and apologise, "Pardon my rudeness Roseanne. My table manners aren't up to the mark of a noble lady hahaha"

I try to laugh it off but she understands that something is up.

But of course, I can't let her know. She can't know that he still remembers me! The boy she adopted as her son is a half blood, a creature that shouldn't exist!

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