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The door opens before us revealing an underground chamber.

"Welcome to the Garden of Lust!" The high Priest exclaims.

I gasp as my eyes widen with shock.

The priests

The nuns

All engaging in unspeakable acts together!

"What the fuck!?????"

"Here everyone is dirty!" The high priest grins.

The room is full of Lustful screams and a dirty stench.

"Yess!! Ahhh More!!!" A nun is defiled in right in front of us, by two priest from the front and even from the behind!

Another nun's fully exposed body is eaten by countless hungry priests!

A young nun's body is violated so roughly like a dog by an older priest, pulling her insides out!

I can't believe my eyes! An underground chamber in the church...? The priests and the nuns fucking each other!? My mind is completely blank!

"Milady what the hell is this!???" Laura is shocked as hell too.

"Lady?" A guard looks at us suspiciously.

Fuck! Whatever I had imagined could never have me prepared for this..! This is crazy hell!

"You both have arrived at a perfect time! We are holding on a ceremony for our goddess!" The priest grins at us.


"Yes! Our Goddess Sophia!!!" He falls on his knees and looks at the stage at the end of the chamber.

On the stage, sitting on the throne surrounded by countless masked men is a naked woman with blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes.

I recognise her in an instant!

That is the female lead Sophia!???

I don't have any words, my brain is completely blank from trying to process everything!

"Hey move it!" The guards push us forward.

"What the hell do you think you are doing!?" Laura screams, "Let us go right now!"

"It's no use struggling...You can't leave this place until you die!!! It's best if you surrender yourselves to our goddess Sophia right right at this instant!" The priest laughs.

So this is what hides behind their masks??

The dirty truth behind their purity!???

We can't stay here for another moment...We have to escape as soon as possible!

I look over to Laura she catches my signal.

Just as the men try to approach us, Laura pulls out her dagger and slices through them.

"Fuck how's he so fast!" The guards are surprised.

I hold Laura's hand as we reach behind for the door.

"Don't let them escape!!!" The priest screams.

And right when we are about to get out.

The guards start chanting a spell and make a magic circle to entrap us.

"Ahhh shit!" Laura tries to get out but the magic circle sends an electric shock if you touch it!

"This won't work! We need to break it through magic!" I say.

"It's no use this is a spell created by black magic and it can't be broken by ordinary merchants like you!" A guard laughs.

"That is right mere merchants like you are nothing! Even the most powerful warriors will be kneeling down like dogs before our goddess Sophia!! Such is this drug of love, the addicting pleasure!! " The high priest exclaimed.

While he's talking bs, I gather mana around my body and concentrate it in all directions in high speed. The high force of my mana shatters the magic circle into pieces.

Even if Caroline never got trained in combat, she is still a black magic user as a Vorsack!

"Impossible!? It can't be broken that easily!?? It's created with black magic!!?"

"Now!!!" I scream as Laura slices through the crowd of guards swiftly, clearing the way. Seeing an opening, we rush out of the chamber and through the door leaving those crazy fuckers behind.

"Catch them!!!" The guards chase us. But we already get out of the underground chambers and reach the library.

"Milady, the doors and windows are shut down, how do we exit this place!?"

"We need to break our way out!! Try to smash that window!" I order her. Laura does what I say and tries to smash the glass window with a vase kept nearby.

But the guards already climb up the stairs and reach us.

No....I have to buy time for her and stop them!! But there are two many of them and I'm not trained in combat. Quick think of something,my brain!!

Then I remember the priest pushing the book in shelf that made the underground door open.

"It must have been here!" I find the book that is pushed inside and press it again very hard. If this a switch that opened the gate to the secret chamber, it must also close it!

And right as the guards reach the gate, it shuts down tightly!

Yes!!! It worked!!!

I go to Laura and help her break the glass window. After a few smashes it breaks open and we both jump out the window and rush out side. We run as fast as we could as we rush out through the main gate to our horses and ride on it without looking back!

Back at the secret chamber in the church, the guards inform the high priest about the exit being locked.

The high priest frowns and presses a button on the controller which he always carries. Instantly all the doors and windows open up but it's too late as we have already escaped from the church through the broken window.

"This is shameful! How could you a bunch of trained guards let two ordinary men escape!?"

"Sir do you think that ordinary men could fight like that or break a black magic circle?" A guard says.

"What's all this commotion about? Who were the guards fighting back in there?" Sophia asks.

"Your Majesty, we are sorry to interrupt the holy ceremony but two merchants have escaped!" The high priest bows down before her.

"Merchants? What were they doing here?"

"Well...two merchants came here Asking for blessings from God but one of them mentioned about knowing you, that is why we brought them to the underground chambers so that your existence is not revealed out!"

"You fools! Do you think they were ordinary merchants? No one outside this place knows of my existence except him... Ordinary merchants have no chance of knowing about me!!" She says.

"Then...who were they?"

"Sir I think I heard one of them call the other "Lady"" a guard speaks up.

"Lady? Are you sure you heard it right?" The high priest asks.

"Yes I think so"

"I can't believe this...Who in the world were they??"

"Someone who knows about me... Certainly someone very very dangerous!" Sophia exclaimed.


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