23-Connecting the dots

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After getting back from the palace, I start to feel very confused again. I keep on getting close to the truth only to meet a dead end again!

I don't know what to do? Would becoming the empress be a right choice now that the story has changed?

But then again the title of empress is no joke!But I need power to defeat Eric too...What if everything backfires me again? What if I'm wrong again!?

Which direction to go to? Everything I know turns out to be false and if I don't find answers sooner then I have a feeling I'll not survive here much longer!

These days, I feel like I'm overthinking all the time, I feel very anxious and fall sick with worry...

I eat double the amount of what I normally eat, even the nanny is surprised.

And then overeating and stress together causes me stomach Problems and I feel very sick all the time!

The reason being is that I feel very worried because I may not survive for very long...

I feel the end nearing...

Even now When I think back of that scene...

The crowd had gathered to see the downfall of the villainess.

Lady Caroline, the evil daughter of the Duke of Vorsack, the Lord of the underworld. They had committed multiple crimes such as drug trafficking, slavery, murders, among others.

And because of her jealousy towards the innocent nun, Sophia, for whom she was abandoned by the crown prince....

Caroline Vorsack had ordered her devoted Villain Eric to defile the pure and innocent nun, to the point that not even her beloved crown prince can accept her!

And because the Vorsacks were black magic users,with a lot of power  no one could even dare to touch them.

No one except him.

Eric Arguens,  an extraordinary genius and a very powerful warrior who had overthrown the Vorsacks after the nun's magic powers had healed his Brainwashing.

Caroline Vorsack dies at the end of this novel in the hands of the same villain she raised.

"What are you doing Eric?? How dare you raise your sword towards me?" Caroline screamed.

"My darling Carrie, there's nowhere left for you to escape now...You will die at my hands!" He raised the sword...

Her screams and cries were hidden in the cheers of the crowd who gathered to see the death of the Villainess.

The heads of the Vorsacks hung before the the public to see...!

Even imagining that scene sent shivers down my spine...I feel like having a panic attack...

My heart races very wildly, my head feels dizzy...

No! Get a grip over yourself!

I have to survive...I have to survive and protect everyone I care about.

I made a promise to you Caroline.

That someday we'll get our freedom!

For that I have to be free from these fears now!

Although all I did in my past life was study and study, there was one thing that I had learnt.

Fear is not a bad thing, it's a warning sign of something that shouldn't be ignored. It tells you about your weakness like the subject that I had been avoiding- Maths was my weakness. But it's not a bad thing to be weak, everyone has weaknesses. It's how you deal with them defines you!

Reincarnated As The Villainess Of An 18+ WebnovelWhere stories live. Discover now