65-A Strange face

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"Lady Srivalline, this isn't the best time for us to disturb the Lord...He must have been so traumatised after what happened back there" a guard says.

"I know but we also need to make sure Eric is fine right?" Srivalline hurries inside.

She slams the door open to find Eric sitting on the bed covered in bandages.

Srivalline freezes on spot.

"How...Who did this to you!?" She asks in disbelief.

"I'm so sorry Lady Srivalline...I couldn't save the knights or the servants...I'll take full responsibility for everything" Eric bows down his head.

"What are you talking about Eric!? I have heard everything from the guards! An assassin tried to murder you and they have single handedly killed our best knights..."

"I'm so glad atleast you are alive Eric" Srivalline cries.

"Yes that's correct, they have also burned the mansion in deadly black flames..." Eric says.

"Unbelievable...So this Assassin is a black magic user??" Srivalline gasps.

"I'm afraid that's true" Eric replies in a grim voice.


"I understand your concerns but please wait for a while..." Rion says.

"How can you ask me to wait Rion? You will be married to my daughter in a few days! Shouldn't you be more responsible and kill anyone who dared to touch her!?" The Duke screams.

The servants turn their heads around at his loud voice.

"Please calm down father...I am as much concerned about Caroline's safety as you are but it's not possible to declare war in such a short period of time...Besides Caroline and I are getting married next week, let's at least wait till the wedding is over..." Rion tries his best to explain.

Listening to his words, the Duke calms down a bit.

Yes, it was the time for her wedding.

How awful it must have been for her to go through all of this just a week before her wedding...

"I understand. But remember this Rion, if my daughter is hurt even the slightest..." the Duke glares.

"Yes...you don't have to worry about that!" Rion swears, so as to not anger him anymore.

"Keep your word." The Duke turns around and leaves.

After a few days...

It was the day I would be wedded to Rion.

These past few days has been a tough battle for me...

I can't help but feel overwhelmed, overstressed by the whole of it.

And I often wonder why is it only me?

Where did I go wrong?

Was it when I saved you?

Or was it when I let you go?

I wonder as the maids dress me up in the beautiful white gown.

It's the day of my wedding, I'm supposed to be happy but...

Strangely I feel none...

I feel empty.

"Please put on your best smile Milady, you are going to be the most important lady of this Kingdom" The nanny says, noticing my worried face.

"Uh...yeah right"

I look in the mirror and try my best to put on a smile.

I looked really beautiful.

This body of Caroline was a beautiful woman with gorgeous green eyes and luscious red lips.

Topped off with the makeup, she looked divine!

"I'm sure his majesty won't be able to take his eyes off you today!" The maids giggle.

I let out a light laughter in response.


I'm really getting married to that guy?

This is so different from the novel...

Getting married to the crown prince and becoming the future empress of this nation?

Before I could even process the whole concept, my wedding day is here.

A servant walks in and reports, "The bride's carriage is ready, we'll be leaving in an hour".

"Isn't that too early?" I ask.

"Milady it's your wedding today. Of course we have to show up early!" The nanny exclaimed.

I think these people are more excited about my wedding than me...

After a few more minutes of preparations, the servants escort me to the carriage.

Father was already present in there.

And without him saying a word I could feel the emotions he had been hiding.

"You look...just like your mother" he says, but his voice chokes in the middle.

It's quite natural.

Afterall his only daughter is getting married...

"Thank you father" I smile and give him a warm hug.

How hard it must be to part with your daughter like this...

But I know that even if the whole world abandons me, my father wouldn't...

There's also another person who wouldn't...

Father holds out his hand and I take it to get inside the beautifully decorated bride's carriage.

There was a huge procession across the the road that leads to the imperial palace.

I wanted my wedding to be in the palace by our family priest and not in the imperial church.

I don't wanna have anything to do with that disgusting place again!

But then little did I know...

What kind of hell was waiting for me over there...

As the carriage passes by among the crowd, I see a very familiar face...

Silver hair...Red eyes...

My heart drops immediately.


Who is that??

But just as quickly I had seen him...

He disappeared even quicker...

How strange...

It's not what I think it is right?

That's cannot be you right?


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