79-An Inevitable End

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"Is it my fault that I was born? Is it my fault that I am like this? I am not cursed Caroline, what is cursed is this world that won't let us be together!!"

"And what the hell is my fault? Why do I have to suffer like this??"

"Your fault is that you were born to that evil man, Caroline..."

"Do not talk of my father like that!!!"

Just then we hear the sound of a siren.

I knew that sound very well.

It was the signalling of war.

I look at Caroline, who seems to have recognized the sound as well.

"I have to leave" I say grabbing my overcoat.

"No you will not." Caroline stops me by my hand.

"Return to your residence and I will overlook this incident. If anyone from Rivans finds you like this, they will not spare you. I don't want that to happen Carrie, so please be a good girl and cooperate. Once the Vorsack Lord and Rion kill each other, I'll save you Caroline!"

"What? So this was your plan all along? To let my father and Rion kill each other????"

"Yes, and the one who survives shall be killed by me" I say.

"How do you even say things like that without hesitation? You cold blooded monster!" She slaps me across the face.

"Its not that I can say these things without any hesitation, I can also carry them out Caroline" I smile as my eyes glare at her.

"Shut your mouth!!" She slaps me again.

And she raises her hand to slap me a third time...

But I catch it.

"You will hurt your hands, Carrie"

"This son of a- are you kidding with me right now?" Her face looks crazy with anger.

"I am not kidding. I am very serious, Carrie. I mean what I say, unlike you who breaks promises. When I said I would burn this world for you, I meant it. And I'm about to show that to you right now!" I say, kissing her hand.


"Yes, Carrie. So make sure to watch very closely. I will kill everyone who dares to stand between us!" I pressed her hand against my cheek, feeling her warmth thoroughly, looking right into her green eyes.

But strangely they looked calm.

"Kill everyone who stands between us huh? Are you sure you would...still have my love Eric?" She asks.

"I...I already know you do! Otherwise that night you wouldn't have stopped me from killing myself!" I try to reason with her.

"Yeah because unlike you I'm a human with a heart and I can't watch a person die right before my eyes! If it was someone else other than you, I would have done the same thing Eric" She says calmly.

"I...I don't care as long as I can be with you..." I say trying to avoid her gaze.

"Oh really, Eric?" She asks, rubbing my cheeks gently.

"Yeah..." I reply still not meeting her gaze.

"But what if someone else already there in my heart? Do you still not care?"

My lips tremble as I turn my gaze towards her. Her eyes were blank like an illusion.

"Who is it?" Is all I can ask.

"You see there is a person very important to me. I have always loved him dearly! My body and heart belongs to him..."

Those words sound like a thousand piece of glasses shattering on my skin.

Reincarnated As The Villainess Of An 18+ WebnovelWhere stories live. Discover now