74- A broken family

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"I am ready to do it" I announce without hesitation.

The Duke tightens his fist even harder.

Then unable to control himself anymore he says, "It's fine as long as you don't face that bastard. You can help us from behind"

"What? Behind?" I asked surprised.

"Yes, we will deal with that bastard. You can support us in that" He says.

"Father!? I am a trained black mage! What do you mean help you from behind???" I shout

"It's final Caroline. There's no way you will meet that bastard!" He shouts to match my level of voice.

His loud voice scares everyone present in the room including me.

This was the first time father raised his voice on me.

Noticing how surprised I was, he softens his gaze.

"Try to understand Caroline...you are not in a state to meet that bastard. And what will you do alone in face of that bloody dog!? I can't even imagine letting you get near him!" The Duke shakes his head.

"Father, you were the one who gifted this dog to me when I was younger! What happened to not letting him near me then? Why don't you understand? This is all happening because of you! Why are you acting all saint like now!? You are the main villain over here" I scream in anger.

Those words sound like a thousand pieces of glasses shattering on the ground.

His eyes loose the light in them on hearing my words...

The daughter he gave everything...

The daughter he swore to protect at all costs...

The daughter he loved more than his own life is calling him a villain!?

"Milady please take back your words!" The nanny looks at me sharply.

"Not now nanny, don't interfere between us...Let me talk with him!" I show my hand to her and stop her.

The nanny is also shocked at my behaviour.

"Interfere? Have I not supported this family long enough to interfere in your matters? Have I not raised you as a mother would do!?" She asks.

"No...No matter what you do, you cannot replace my mother and no matter what father does he can't make up for the fact that she's dead. So why don't we stop trying?" I say coldly.

"Lady...!? I really can't recognise you..." The nanny says shocked at my behaviour.

It's true.

Even I don't recognise myself.

This is what you have made me become Eric.

Because I think I'm broken beyond repair.

Look closely, Eric...

This is the monster you have made me.

"Please stop...Milady, I beg of you!" The nanny begs, then turning towards my dad, she screams, "My Lord!!"

The Duke clasps his chest tightly in pain and drops down on his seat.

The nanny rushes to help him, "Are you alright? Please have some water"

She holds the glass of water in front of him but he pushes it away.

"Never...never in my life did I expect my own daughter to be so cruel to me..." He says, his voice almost breaking up.

"I think we have arrived at a bad time...we will drop by on some other time" Two says, awkwardly getting up from their seat.

"No Two, we have arrived at the right time itself." The leader says, then turning towards father he continues"Duke of Vorsack, you are a man feared by many! You are a cruel person who wouldn't hesitate twice to kill a person! You have committed numerous crimes, so today even though you don't believe in god, I am forced to say that God has punished you for your cruelty through your daughter's mouth!"

"How dare you!?" The nanny shouts at him.

"No Leona, he's right. Maybe this is my fate. Maybe this is the fate of the selfish husband who hid his true identity from his wife. Maybe this the fate of the cruel man who was hated by his pious wife for his crimes! Maybe this is the fate of the incompetent lover who couldn't protect his wife..." His voice chokes on his tears and he breaks down.

"Please...please get a hold of yourself My Lord!" Nanny cries.

This was her first time...seeing the man she respected so much break down in front of her.

And her heart was unable to take it!

For somewhere deep down she loved him as she would do to a husband.

And loved Caroline as her own daughter.

"You will never be able to replace my mother" Those words ring into her ears endlessly.

How did things end up like this?

"It is just like the leader said, father. This is your karma!" I say coldly.

Father turns away unable to say a word as tears drop down his eyes.

He looks like he would faint any moment.

"Please take him away for now Nanny" I say.

"I will..." She says putting his arm around her shoulder and carrying him to his room.

I watch them leave followed by the guards who offer to help the nanny.

"Uh...So then shall we begin our plan?" Ten asks.

"Yes, sure" I answer.

"I think we need to work on our defense as mentioned earlier. "

"Anyone with an invisible aura can enter your palace security walls and your mages won't be able to detect them" Zero says.

"Then what shall we do?" I ask.

"We can work with your mages to strengthen the security magic, so it doesn't misses out anyone. Security is a must now, as without it you may be in a vulnerable position." He adds.

"Okay, please do so. And let me know if I can offer any help!"

"Well this is not related to this but... Don't you think you were a little too harsh with your father?" He asks.


Zero sighs, "I won't make any assumptions on your family if you don't wish to say anything but what I know is that, The Duke loves his daughter more than his own life!"

"Yes, I know that." I answer.

"Then why...why did you do that? I mean Lady Caroline no matter what the reason maybe that was extremely harsh!" Seven adds.

"Then what do you expect me to do? Do you think he would let me face that bastard any other way!? I had no other choice! I had to hurt him in order to make him stay out of this!" I shout at them.

They all get surprised.

"So the reason you have done all this is..."

"Yes, I did that to keep him out of my way! So that no one stops me from destroying Eric!"


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