17- The secrets of the church

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"I need to visit the holy Church today, I want you to accompany me Laura".

"Okay Milady, I'll get the carriage ready" Laura bows.

"No, not like this."


"I need us to dress up as ordinary male merchants."

"Pardon? But wouldn't that be unsafe?" The nanny asks.

"We have no other choice. We all know how closely guarded the church is? They would be extra cautious about it if the Vorsacks visits them themselves! That is why if we want to find their secrets then we have got to dress up as ordinary merchants" I explain

"Hmm that's true. But what are these secrets you speak of?"

"I don't know, I just find it suspicious. The holy church is a sacred place that has always stayed out of corruption throughout the history. There have been no scandals, no crimes, it's considered the purest of all places by the public. They hold a lot of power over the people's opinions in this empire."

"Almost too pure"

"What do you mean Milady? The Holy church has always acted as a different body from the imperial family and it's true that they hold a lot of power over this empire, probably even over the imperial crown because of their divinity. It's no secret that the rulers of Rivans have always been adviced by the saints of the church. So of course they need to be completely pure of corruption, always so as to have the public on their sides." The nanny explains.

"That's what! But is it really possible to be completely pure? I can't help but be suspicious that it's all just a front to hide something darker! I'm sure that the saints and the holy church are hiding a lot of secrets and only claim to be pure." I say.

In my past life, being raised in a conservative family, I remember pretending to be very pure and innocent to hide from my parents and relatives judgements!

That is why I know it very well.

Purity is always a mask.

Although the nanny and others don't understand why I am being so suspicious now, I can't ignore my gut feeling. Something's hiding in the church, I just know it!

"I don't know about that milady but what do you want to find about the church and why?"

"I'm looking for someone...Have you ever heard of a nun named Sophia?"

"Sophia? I don't think I'm aware of anyone with that name"

It's just as I thought, Sophia hasn't appeared yet.

In the original novel, Sophia was already famous by now over the whole kingdom for her divine magical powers! She was born and raised in the holy church where she later grew up to be a nun. She was said to be a child of God and was also invited to the crown prince's birthday as an act of honour. That is where they met each other and fell in love at first sight.

But something has gone wrong...

Why hasn't she appeared yet?

I thought that I have an advantage in this world and because I knew the original novel but I was wrong!

The novel never mentioned a lot of things...

Like Eric being a half blood.

Or Brainwashing never worked on him.


Did Eric always love Caroline even in the original?

Then why did he kill her?

The novel said that Eric was brainwashed to love Caroline and Sophia had healed his brainwashing after which he executed the Villainess Caroline and also the Vorsacks because of their crimes.

But where is Sophia?

Is this going different from the Novel???

But why?

Is it because of me being in Caroline's body and doing something different???

A lot of questions need to be answered. There is a lot that I don't know!

That's why I need to find everything out as fast as possible if I want to survive and protect my close people!

And I have a gut feeling that a lot of clues are hiding in ther church! I just need to find them out but of course it wouldn't be that easy as they will definitely try their best to hide any secret they have. I need to be very careful and quick to act if I want to figure out the truth.

"I need to disguise us as male merchants. Laura will be there with me in case something goes wrong." I say.

I gather the mana around me and change my appearance into that of a man.

"Just like this" .

"Ah- then I'll do it too" Laura also transforms herself into a man as well. Her disguise is really perfect, she's tall and well built anyone would easily mistake her for a man even if she wasn't dressed as one!

Caroline on the other hand had a slender figure and feminine curves so it's harder to hide her body with the mana but I somehow manage it.

We dress up like ordinary male merchants and reach the holy church.

The holy church is situated in the middle of the capital. Many worshippers come here to get the blessings of the divine saints.

We are stopped at the gate by two guards.

"The church is closed today as they are holding a divine ceremony. Please come in tomorrow!"

Laura looks at me and I assure her with my eyes. Then I look at the guards and cry, "Must we return back? We have come here from a faraway land just to recieve the blessings of the priests! We are starting a new business soon and we just wanted their blessings before we begin!"

I have made my voice deep just like that of a man with magic so as to avoid suspicions.

"But we have orders-"

"Please try to understand! We are just poor merchants trying to feed our families! I have 3 young children and my partner over here has a sick wife waiting for him...We need the blessings of God to survive!" I shed a tear.

Even Laura looks surprised with my acting!

"Okay...let me talk to the high priest once!" The guard says and goes inside for permission.

I try to manage the other guard by crying a little more, "please let us get in! Just for once! We have heard the power of this place! That God hears the prayers of anyone who prays here! We just need to pray a little and ask for his blessings for our new business!" I elbow Laura, signalling her to say something, as she's just standing over their still as ever.

Laura being a trained as a rough knight since a kid, wasn't used to begging or crying.

"Hey didn't you hear what she said!?? Move aside fast before I-" Laura was about to hit the man before I manage to stop her.

Omg that was a mistake! This girl can't keep her cool at all!

"Hey what are you doing?? Where you about to hit me???"

Looks like we have to change our plan...

I notice a gap in the gate while the guard is not looking and drag Laura in with me quickly through it!

We run through the garden as fast as possible.

"Hey stop!!!" He shouts from behind but we already get inside the main door of the church building.

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