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There was something different about Nandi lately, she seemed more relaxed and a bit happier than usual. Since the day she went out with the other wives, she has been taking better care of herself, not that she was not before but now she has her hair done on a regular even when around the house she makes sure she looks like she is about to step out. She steps out a lot more this days too. She also spends more time than usual on her phone. She was even less snappy with me.

" Sal?!"

" Yes babe_ I mean Nan."

" Scarlett is at the door for you."

" Who is Scarlett?"

" Stop pretending like you don't know the girl, she's always throwing herself on you."

I truly could not recall a Scarlett but why would she believe me. To her I am still her unfaithful former wife who could not keep her "dick" in her pants.

" Scarlett our neighbor."

" What the hell does she want?"

" I just said you, now don't keep her waiting."

" I didn't invite her so she can wait as long as I want her to."

Nandi shook her head then tried to take my daughter from me but I refused and she walked away. I followed after her and went to the front door while she went into the kitchen. The sky was completely covered in grey clouds as it rained and Scarlett was standing outside in short shorts and a very tight cropped t-shirt with long sleeves. I should be used to seeing her barely dressed and I did not care because she was not mine but it was too cold for her to be dressed like.

" Hey can I help you?"

" Awww how cute..."

She cooed at my daughter and tried to touch her chubby cheeks but she swerved and lay her head on my chest. Even my baby did not like this woman but Nandi did not see her intentions or did she really not care

" Your daughter is really becoming as beautiful as you as she grows."

" I think she looks more like my beautiful wife but each person sees what they choose to see."

" True. Anyway I came to ask for your help, my kitchen sink pipe somehow detached and I managed to close the main tap but it still needs to be attached."

" You can call a plumber I'm sure my wife has a number."

I turned to walk away.

" No, it might take the plumber quite sometime to come over. Maybe you could just come and check, to see if you can't fix it."

" Sorry Sienna_"

" It's Scarlett."

I know.

" I'm an athlete, not a plumber. There's a plumber who lives in the estate and he can be here in less than a second."

With that I went to where Nan kept the emergency numbers and handed them over to he before closing the door. Since I knew Nan was listening in, I headed to the kitchen but found she was no longer in there. I noticed her phone on the counter on the charger and because I have been curious to what or who has her occupied, I tried to get into her phone but failed. She had removed our wedding date as her password. While trying to figure out the password a text came in.

" I truly enjoy our chats but it's time we met, how about lunch?"

The fuck! She has been chatting to someone?. I thought we were trying to make us work but she is out here entertaining other women. I wanted to break her phone but managed to calm myself and continue trying different dates but none worked.

" What's your mom's password?"

Our son was always on her phone so I know he knew but it was not the numbers I expected.

BBW ( Just republishing to hopefully finish it, there might be slight changes)Where stories live. Discover now