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" I'm sorry if I made it sound like I'm not happy or supportive because I am."

As soon as I walked in Zizo apologised. The argument we had last night was the first time we went to bed angry and slept in different rooms . I could tell by the bags in her eyes that she did not sleep well and I felt guilty for just leaving in the morning without checking on her because I wanted to avoid any arguments. I pulled her onto my chest and held her. This was a stressful time for her with Nan missing and now I am adding to it.

" I'm sorry too for jumping into conclusions and not taking you seriously. I understand that you finally felt you belonged and this move will be us starting all over again but I promise we will make sure to come visit and we're still keeping this house for that reason. I also apologise for signing with the team before talking to you, that's something I should've discussed first with you and I'm truly sorry."

" It's too big we should just sell it and get a smaller one for when we're in town but we still have your parents home. We could stay there you know."

" As much as I love my parents, we also need our privacy whether we're visiting for two or ten days."

" I hear you but I don't want us wasting money you know."

" Baby I'm going to be making more money than we need, no wasting will happen and we can use it as an Airbnb."

" That's a great idea."

She was trying to be positive about this but I could see the sadness in her eyes and heard it in her voice. Being in an abusive relationship prior to our relationship really isolated her for a long time. Her partner made sure to ruin the one friendship she had and it did not help that her and her mother were not very close. They started working on their relationship a few years after we started dating. She had no one before me then I introduced her to my friends and their wives. Nandi and Noni welcomed her with love and kindness, she was amazed at how well they treated her even though they did not know her.

" Look I know you're not ready for this new chapter in our lives and to be honest I'm not ready too."

" Change is inevitable and you'll just have to make sure I never run out of airtime or data."

" I promise and I also promise to do better when it comes to me communicating with you, no matter how scared I am about your reaction."

" I react less harsher if you talk to me and I promise to not let my anger get the best of me, get in between us. I guess I should start looking online for moving boxes and companies. Hopefully I can start packing from next week."

She said typing on her phone and missed my facial expressions, which was a good thing. We have made progress and now I am going to start another argument.

" About that. We have to start packing as soon as possible because we're supposed to leave by next week."

" I know."


" Don't look so surprised for as long as I've been a basketball wife I know when the season starts and ends. I was just waiting on you to come clean."

" You know you can stay and follow me after."

" I know and I wasn't planning on leaving at the same time as you because there are things I still need to deal with here."

We were about to start two new chapters in our lives, I was excited for them both.

BBW ( Just republishing to hopefully finish it, there might be slight changes)Where stories live. Discover now