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" I told you that going to see my mom would he a waste of time. All she did was complain of how I no longer come see her or take proper of her because of you. All she did was complain about you."

Although I knew his mom would do this, I still felt bad. Seeing her walk in with the sadness on her face and in her voice made me feel bad. This woman had an issue with me because her daughter married me instead of the girl she was rooting for and she could not realise how this was hurting her daughter.

" I'm sorry. I know you hate how our relationship has caused tension in your relationship."

" My mom needs to get over herself. Our relationship is not the problem here, she is. She needs to get over the past and accept that I love you. I mean we have kids who will be turning six soon. I'm tired of my mom's behavior."

" Don't get yourself worked up about this, eventually she'll come along."

" I thought she would after we got married and had kids but nothing seems to be changing. I don't even care anymore."

" Okay calm down, she's your mother but I understand, I won't make you do anything you don't want to."

" Good because I am done trying to reach out to her."

" Well atleast you went to see her."

" Yeah and don't force me next time and before you tell me how important it is I visit her, I will but when it's necessary."

" Fair. Did you meet the new assistant?"

" No, she's coming in tomorrow but I found out she's female. That's a huge relief. Dealing with men is too much of a hassle."

" I'm happy for you. Hopefully she also be part of the family like Anisa was. I'm going to miss her."

" We can visit her after you've given birth. It can be part of our vacation."

" Speaking of giving birth, I wanted us to discuss future babies. We agree that she's the last one right?"

Oli and I have never agreed on the number of children we wanted. I only wanted two but she convinced me on having another one because she wanted a daughter. Luckily we were blessed with a girl because I do think she would have wanted another one if it was another boy.

" We only have three kids."

" Yeah and all I wanted was two. Babe I know you wanted four but you promised that there won't be another one."

" One more won't hurt though."

" It won't hurt you because you don't have to carry it."

I did not mean to say that. She had an incident while growing up which made her infertile. This is why I usually avoided such topics because I take low blows when mad. The boys came rushing downstairs before I could apologize. I had picked them up from school after shopping and were making them lunch before Oli walked in. I handed them their food and walked into the dining room.

" I'm so sorry about what I just said. It did not come out the right way."

" There are something's you shouldn't say."

She was right, it was uncalled for. Ihated how heartless I can be when I feel attacked and I have never mentioned her issue till now.

" Also I wasn't forcing you to have another baby. It's your body and you can do whatever you want."

" You know I didn't mean it like that."

" Noni-"

Her ringtone interrupted her and when she looked at it, I noticed Sal was calling. The more she talked on the phone the more her facial expression changed and I became worried. I hated that I could not tell what Sal was saying. She hung up with the promise that she was on his way.

" Nan is in labour."

That cannot be happening.

BBW ( Just republishing to hopefully finish it, there might be slight changes)Where stories live. Discover now