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" Now who's stalking who?"

The sound of her voice made my heart beat out of tune and I could not help smiling as I put my phone away. Standing up I pulled her into a hug. I found it cute that she was as tall as my sternum but that was the perk of being taller than most. She smelt so good I could not help sniffing her as she wrapped her arms around me. I was surprised by her sighing into my chest or the half she could reach.

" What's wrong?"

" Nothing really, just glad to be with somebody familiar. My departure was hard and my dad barely said two words to me."

" He's not taking you moving well hey.?"

" Yeah and I understand since I've never been this far away from them. We've always done everything together and he had planned for me to work in our city."

" Well if it's consolation I'm glad you moved here and your father will come around eventually. We'll try visit them every weekend."

" That's if I can and who is we?"

" You and I obviously. You know I'm going to be their daughter in law one day."

She shook her head laughing before telling me that it would never happen. Her words stung a bit but I brushed it off and helped her with her luggage. Her words would not deter me from my mission. I made sure to cover my face so as not to attract any unwanted attention.

" You know that mask doesn't do much to hide who you are?"

" That's because you know who I am but for the paps who are unaware that I left home or that I'm even at the airport I'm just somebody picking up a partner."

" I doubt but you don't have to inconvenience yourself for me."

" It's not an inconvenience. It's nice to walk around without the usual attention."

" You expect me to believe that you love not being recognized by your groupies?"

If I was being honest, I did miss the attention women gave me a little bit but I could not say that to her.

" There comes a time in a woman's life where all she wants is attention from only one woman and if the attention is not from you, I don't want it."

Only the rap music could be heard as we sat silently while she starred at me as if she was trying to read my true thoughts.

" If somebody else had said those words, I'd believe them but you live for women's attention. You feed on it and you can't tell me you're over it just like that?."

" I am telling you exactly that. Kelly I'm being serious here, I like you and would like to have a relationship with you."

I had planned on confessing my interest in her maybe a week into her living here but she made me confess my feelings sooner.

" Now bear in mind tat you're the first woman I've been fully interested in, in years and it was hard for me to say all that and not turn it into a joke."

" Jan_you can't do this to me now, on today of all days. Especially since you know what I've just been through."

" I know and I didn't plan on doing this but I honestly could not help myself. I know you said you're not ready but I can't keep pretending that I'm just a friend."

" Then maybe we should be nothing."

She did not give me the chance to respond before jumping out the car. I got out after her to help her with her luggage.

" Don't make decisions based on your past experiences."

" I'm just not ready to date another womanizer."

" Here_ the password is the greatest zero one."

I placed my smartphone in her palm.

" What?"

" I'm trying to show you I ain't Tony."

She looked confused.

BBW ( Just republishing to hopefully finish it, there might be slight changes)Where stories live. Discover now