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When I came too I realised that my shoulder had a stinging pain, it felt like I just got an injection and I was also in an unknown place. I tried not to think about what could have been injected in me because I needed to know where I was and how I was going to get out of this place. This was not the first time Toni did something like this. Just as I sat up to investigate the door opened and the bedroom door opened.

" Doctor Scott?"

" Come now Kelly we aren't at work, you can call me Jess."

" Fuck that! What the hell am I doing here, are you working with Toni?"

" Toni's your ex right.?"

I rolled my eyes, she knew exactly who Toni was because I had told her who she was when Toni came looking for me at the hospital once.

" No I'm not working with your ex-"

" Well then why would you kidnap me? Did the professor put you up to this?"

" The professor? Why would she_ oh my she's hitting on you too. Eww that woman needs to be reported but I work alone."

" Then why am I here?"

" I just wanted to talk to you, without any distractions because every time I try to talk to you at work you get distracted or somebody comes looking for you."

I knew this was going to be some bullshit as she only ever wants to talk about how Jan is not good for me.

" Frankly I don't care about whatever it is you want to say, I want to go home."

" Can you just give me a second, you see what lengths I had to take just to get your full attention."

" I cannot believe that you kidnapped me just to talk, you know you could have invited me to dinner or something. Jan must be worried about me right now._ Wait is this about her because if you want to have her you can just ask, no need to risk loosing your job and going to jail."

" I don't want Jan, I want you and if you took the time to actually see me and listen to me, you'd realise that I've wanted you since the day I laid my eyes on you."

For a second I was speechless, not shocked by her words but the fact that I seemed to be everyone's interest. All I wanted was to be a doctor and be happy with Jan but people were trying to come in between that.

" Jess you did all this just to tell me this or are you planning on keeping me hostage if I refuse your proposal?"

" To be honest, I don't know why I kidnapped you. It was a spare of the moment thing when I saw you just standing there. I thought of every time you ignored me and how I felt when I found out you were dating Jan. The plan was to kidnap you and fly somewhere no one would find us but while driving I thought how it would suck for me to do all that, only for you to hate me."

I really attract people with mental issues. How does one come up with such. Now I had to be a doctor and put the current situation aside.

" Jess this_this is crazy you can't take somebody against their will for this. Even if I liked you, what you've done would surely make me afraid of you."

" Please you don't have to be afraid I'm just a girl who fell in love and made a wrong decision."

" A wrong decision would be inviting somebody you met online into your home but this is a criminal offence."

Which I was not yet sure how to handle.

BBW ( Just republishing to hopefully finish it, there might be slight changes)Where stories live. Discover now