Arranged To Another: Draco X Reader

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Your information-

House: Gryffindor

Blood status: Muggleborn

Happens: Last two days of Hogwarts and the following time after/ No Voldemort or war AU

Warnings: Angst, Mean Lucius, and Astoria

Posted on: 05/21/2022

I walk into my boyfriend Draco's room, it's clean and pristine like always. I roll my eyes and walk over to his dresser to look for a shirt to change into. After a long day of classes, all I need right now are cuddles and kisses from him. I go to open his shirt drawer when I see a letter atop his dresser addressed to me. I chuckle at the fact he knew I would be here and open the letter. 

Dear Y/n,

I am not sure how to start this so I guess I will just let my words flow out like I am talking to you. First of all please know I love you with all my heart and soul and if I could I wouldn't go through with this at all. I would walk away and say no but they threatened to hurt you and I can't have that. You are probably wondering what I am talking about, well my parents have set up an arranged marriage between Astoria Greengrass and me.  I wish it didn't have to be this way, I wish I could be marrying you and have a life with you but my parents are very particular and I had a feeling the second they found out about us something like this might happen. I just hoped we had more time. I'm so sorry my love. If I can I will try to find a way to convince Astoria to break it off, Until then take my favorite shirt and always remember I love you forever...

-Your love,

I stand there shocked and saddened. Draco's parents are trying to marry him off? I look in the shirt drawer and see his favorite shirt on top with a sticky note that says "Take it love it's yours" I grab the shirt and pocket both the letter and the note. I leave his dorm feeling numb. I go to my dorm and put the letter, note, and shirt in my trunk so I don't forget them when I leave tomorrow. "Draco I promise I will get you out of this" I whisper to myself before drifting off to sleep. 

The next day Hogwarts was filled with everyone saying goodbye and see you later. I was searching everywhere for Draco but he was nowhere to be found. I ended up running into Pansy and decided to ask her if she knew where he was. "Hey, pansy do you happen to know where Draco is?" She looks at me and nods. "Did you get his letter?" I nod and she sighs. "He left already, Yesterday in fact after writing the letter to you. His stuff is being packed and taken to his house by some house-elves." I look at her sadly and nod holding back tears. "Thanks," I say and she nods patting my back. "Good luck at st mungo's Y/n and move on he'd want you too," Pansy says and I nod smiling softly, and walk away to my stuff. I grab everything and make my way to the Train getting on and heading to an empty compartment. I make my stuff take up as much space as possible so no one sits with me.

-Nine months later-

I'm just about off my shift when I hear a patient's parents talking. "Did you hear Astoria wants to speed the wedding up!" the mom says. "Yeah apparently Draco wants to prolong it but Astoria wants to get it over with so they can start a family already," The father says. I listen to the conversation as I check my charts. "I don't blame the girl it's been nine months for goodness sake she deserves a family already," The mother says and I want to explode so badly but I know I can't. The father then gets a call, "Oh it's Lucius speaking of the Malfoys" He says and answers the phone. After a while, he hangs up. "Well it seems Astoria got what she wanted, The wedding is happening next week at the Malfoy Manor," The dad says. "Oh, what day?" Their child says. "On Saturday so you'll be able to attend" The dad affirms to the child and they smile. I tune them out and quickly finish the last of my finishing duties and clock out. I've thrown myself into work to try and forget about Draco but every night he is the last thing on my mind and the first thing to appear in the morning. I get home to a letter on my doorstep. "An owl was by," I say and pick it up. I look at it and go inside. After closing the door I walk into the living room and examine the letter opening it I see Malfoy Familie's official parchment. I blink and look at the letter to see it's a wedding invitation. I look at it and almost cry when I see Draco in the picture. I see the forced smile on his face and I know he isn't happy. I look at the date and sure enough, it is Saturday of next week. I then see an arrow in the corner of the paper. I flip the paper to see more writing. 

Dear Y/n,

I need you to stop this, I can't do this on my own. Please come to this and stop it. I don't know how you can or will but I've tried everything. This is my last resort here. You are my only hope. I love you forever

Your love,


I smile at myself. "I'll save you Draco I promise," I say to myself and go make myself dinner. 

The next week flies by and Lucky for me I never work weekends. So Saturday comes around and I get dressed in the prettiest dress I own that is wedding appropriate. I then head to the address on the invitation. I see lots of people even some old classmates. I put the paper in my bag and take a deep breath. I look in my bag and make sure everything is in place and smile. I walk into the garden and sit in the back. I was so nervous until I saw Draco the fear in his eyes said everything I needed to instill a sense of courage in me. Once he was at the front he looked around and his eyes landed on me and he visibly relaxed. I smiled knowing he knew he would be safe soon. The wedding progressed and I got more and more courageous. Then the famous words were said, "Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace" I stand "I believe I have a couple of reasons why they shouldn't be" I say and everyone gasps. "Who are you?" Astoria pouts and I chuckle. "Well I'll get to that in a second first I have some things to say, First of all, Astoria why marry someone who isn't in love with you? Honestly, what's the point?" I ask and she stands there shocked. "Draco does love me right!" She says looking at him. He stays silent. "Right because an arranged marriage right out of school screams love" I sat and Astoria, her parents, and Draco's parents all go wide-eyed as the crowd gasps and murmurs. "Oh oops was that a secret?" I say smirking. "You little how did you know!" she says and I smile. "So you agree it is an arranged marriage?" I say and she goes red. "Draco come here," I say and Draco goes to walk over to me but Astoria grabs him. "If you walk over to this girl I will find Y/n and crucio her myself," She says trying to be quiet. "Good luck with that," I say and beckon Draco over to me. He walks over and I grab his hand. "Now I'm going to give you all an ultimatum," I say looking at Draco's parents. "Since I know arranged marriages are Illigle you either call this whole thing off or I call the Minister of magic and see what she thinks of this little shindig?" I say and Astoria rolls her eyes. "As if you have her number. "Hermione Granger was a friend of mine in School Greengrass," I say simply and she goes pale. "I say we let the groom decide," The Greengrass parents say and everyone else nodded. Everyone looked at Draco and he smiled looking at me and then at everyone else. "I didn't want this to begin with so it's off," He says smiling at me and I smile back. "Draco! What about our deal? Do you want her to get hurt?" Lucius asks and I chuckle. "If you want to hurt Y/n you should learn what she looks like," I say and they all look at me with a questioning look. "Hello, my name is Y/n L/n muggle-born, Gryffindor, and the love of Draco Malfoy's life. Get over yourselves." I say with my hand ready to apparate Draco and me away. "GET HER!" Astoria says. Before they could even grab their wands Draco and I are gone the last thing I hear is Astoria say "NO!" We land in front of my house and I smile looking at my little cottage. "Welcome home love," I say looking at Draco. He smiles at me and I smile too. I open the door and once we are in and the door shuts I'm pressed against the door as Draco's lips attack mine in a needy kiss. 


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