Chapter 1

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My drunk father's foot collides with my stomach in a fit of anger. A smug smirk tainted on his lips as every kick widens the grin on his face. He enjoys to watch me suffer in agony, he always has.

"You're a useless piece of shit! Why couldn't you have died instead of your mother? Your worth absolutely nothing in this world!" He finishes his final blow to the head with tears in his eyes, after looking down at me one last time with a disgusted sneer he leaves my room.

I know better than to get up and with my body in its current state that would be the worst decision. My body feels like it's on fire, it's excruciating. Why me though?

You're unlovable, useless, a waste of space. You should just kill yourself, no one's going to miss you anyway.

The voices cry in the back of my head, telling me words of truth. I struggle to get back onto my feet, pain sparks through my body with every movement. Somehow I manage to stumble onto my thin mattress, lowering myself gently onto the only source of comfort. Slowly my head lands on the pillow and I'm knocked cold, fading into the numb darkness of nightmares.

It's black all around me almost like I'm in a pool of darkness however I can breathe perfectly fine. Something pricks my leg causing me to look down at the white barb wires that entwine themselves around my body stopping just under my jaw. Pricks of blood seep through my skin as the wires dig into it. Once the wires hold me tightly a ghostly figure appears far in the distance. When the ghostly figure closes in towards me the figure becomes one I know all too well.

"Mum!" I scream but in my attempt to scream in my nightmare nothing comes out. I scream over and over again only for it to fall on deaf ears as nothing but silence fills the cold air. Suddenly another white male figure appears behind my mothers.

"MUM! WATCH OUT!" I scream only this time her head turns in my direction, a gorgeous smile on her plump lips. My mother was always beautiful. Long blonde hair that fell like a waterfall down to her waist, soft features and figure, eyes as blue as the sky above. She was perfect. However, her smile was always the most beautiful thing about her. It could light up anyone's day even a grumpy old man would always manage to pull a small smile when seeing hers. Her whites dress falls down to her ankles just as a red crimson liquid stains throughout her dress. She falls to the ground as the figure behind her disappears.

"NO!" I startle awake screaming. That dream again, it's been happening a lot recently and it's always the same. The alarm suddenly blares beside my ear snapping me out of my daze. Ten minutes before father wakes up, I have to quickly make breakfast and get out before he wakes up. This is my daily routine if I don't do breakfast for my father punishment is worse than yesterday and this is from experience.

I quickly hop into the shower but not before peeling away my clothes and avoiding the mirror at all cost. After getting out of the cold shower, I tie my silver hair into a tight ponytail. I pull on ripped black skinny jeans, a long sleeve band t-shirt and my old combat boots.

Quietly, I go downstairs missing every step that squeaks, trying my hardest not to wake up my oh so loving father. Without realizing, I cook my mother's favourite breakfast, scrambled eggs on toast and bacon with a glass of apple juice. I don't know how people drink orange juice, my mother and I hated orange juice first thing in the morning. Too late now, I set out the meal and run upstairs to collect my bag that I forgot to take down.

"Ash! Come down here this instant!" My father screams from downstairs in the kitchen, I make my way downstairs a bad feeling in my gut.

"Don't show those cuts and bruises at school or else you in one hell of a beating afterwards." He warns pointing at a slightly showing bruise on my wrist, I let out an internal sigh of relief. He didn't notice I cooked mums favourite breakfast. Unconsciously I tug at my sleeve hiding the showing bruise. He eyes my body from head to toe before nodding. The thought of what happened last time someone found out about my father's abuse sends a fearful shiver down my spine.

I leave the house, walking down the street in a thoughtful daze. I put my earphones into my ears, blasting my favourite playlist. The first song brings a smile to my lips my mother and I used to dance to this song all the time 'Feeling Good' by Michael Buble. Some things get me happy, I'm not depressed 24/7 like those other books you read. Music has always been the main reason I'm still alive and somewhat happy.

Since my mother died and father started to beat me, I haven't spoken a word. Father started to beat me 2 weeks after she died which made it even harder for me to cope with my mother's death.

Without realizing it I arrive at my personally hell hole... Oops I meant to say favourite school, I walk pass the commotion at the front of the school, ignoring all the squealing, cheering and wolf whistles. Mentioning wolf, I'm a werewolf the werewolf from mythical tales from out of books. Just not the ugly ones that turn into a half human, half wolf thingy. I turn into a full wolf like the rest of the werewolves in the world.

Suddenly the sweetest scent in the world drifts into my nose, lavender and pine. My knees immediately fall weak almost buckling under my weight.


A voice in the back of my head yips happily, catching me off guard.

'Hey say something please, if you're in there say something again I beg you.'

I plead to my wolf, never has my wolf spoken to me not since my mother died and I fell into depression. Since my father started to beat me and raped me for the first time my wolf never said anything ever again after that. It's been 12 years since I last heard his voice and this is what he says.

I look around for the source of the scent only to be led to the middle of the commotion. Oh hell no, if my mate gets this much attention I'm in one hell of an emotional ride. As much as I want to see my gorgeous mate whoever it is I can't.

They could never love someone like me even if the world ended. They would be disgusted with my tainted body that's already been ravished by someone that's not them. The scars that litter my body will only disgust them further.

I walk faster into the school, ignoring my wolfs whining and attempts to push me in the back of our mind. I shut him out reluctantly as I enter the school building already getting unwanted attention. I walk into my classroom and take seat, stepping over the feet sticking out to attempt to trip me. Luckily I get to my seat without tripping.

I jump when I feel a small pair of arms wrap around my shoulders, causing me to squeal and jump out of my seat falling backwards in the process.  

Unlovable Me {BoyxBoy}Where stories live. Discover now