Chapter 8

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I'm Noah, no second name or third just Noah. Sad isn't it. Anyone have only one or two names then you might understand how I feel. My hair is naturally red which at school since primary school I've been made fun of. The red isn't any normal red though it's a red that would coat a rose not a ginger red. I'm also gay which is the other cause for my bullying at school and abuse at home.

A blow to my stomach by a booted foot and a punch to my face causes me to tuck into myself. The blows by the Rogue Alpha, Ryder. A pathetic whimper passes my lips as the pain sours through my body. "Useless! I told you to clean the dishes. You worthless fag!" He screamed, hatred and anger flaming in his eyes as he glares down at me. An assignment was due tomorrow and I needed to finish it otherwise it was a detention for two weeks after school. Now if I was at school instead of the pack the beatings would increase so I did it last night instead of the dishes. Ryder kept throwing the insults one after another, but by now this wasn't anything new. Even if still deep down in my heart it hurt.

"I need to attend a business meeting with the neighbouring pack so by the time I return this place better be spotless. Got that piece of shit?" He grabs my shirt collar and slams me against the wall before dropping me to the ground and leaving.

'I'm tired, sore, I want to disappear. I don't want to exist in this world anymore, there isn't a point.'

Slowly I get up from the ground being careful of the large black, blue and yellow bruise forming on my stomach. Another whimper escapes my split lip. I get up off the ground only to be thrown back onto the ground by the Alpha's son, Lewis.

"Well, well, well, looky here apparently my father didn't pick up the trash he left behind. He should've picked it up a long time ago yet it's still here. Gross." Lewis sneers before kicking me in the ribs. A snap from where my ribs are seeming to echo in my ear. I let out a loud painful yelp as pain sprouts in that area, my rib just broke.

One last time Lewis kicks me in the face with a scowl on his face leaving with a satisfied smirk. Slowly and painfully I feel myself slip into darkness, but I can't, or someone else will come along and hurt me. I attempt to get up again holding my rib. The pain was excruciating but I couldn't stay here. I walk to my small dark bedroom and close the door behind me making sure to lock it. That's right this small place is my bedroom. At least I have one when I first arrived they made me sleep outside but brought me in when I nearly died.

I place my hand on my broken rib and take a deep breath. 1... 2... and 3 with that I push my rib back into place. I let out an ear-piercing scream ripping through the silent room. My scream turned silent as I unlocked the door and sat on the floor leaning against the wall. It hurt so much living in this cruel world. The only thing keeping me alive was the thought that my mate might actually find me one day and accept me.

I didn't know whether I wanted to die or not. One side of me wanted to stay alive at the hope that maybe my mate would want me and I didn't want to cause him any pain if I died. Meanwhile the other side wanted to disappear, die. That was the side that didn't believe my mate will love me and instead reject me.

Honestly I wanted to run away and never return but I can't even get one metre outside the house otherwise they beat me till I'm in a pool of my own blood. I wait for the healing abilities every werewolf has do its job. The pain eventually fades into a light throb in my side. Carefully I lift myself up and walk over to where I was just beaten. I make sure not to forget the cleaning supplies as I begin to clean my own blood off the ground. My blood. Like every time this happens, I clean.

'Hey Mr Wolfy could you please talk to me. I'm lonely.' My wolf hasn't talked to me since I first shifted so I never learnt his name so in result I started calling him Mr Wolfy. Stupid but I couldn't exactly give him a name when he might already have one. It would be rude.

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