Chapter 21

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Winter, Noah and I all climbed back into the car still too lazy to even bother with opening the doors besides it feels cooler jumping into the car like you see in those movies. I turned the keys in the car getting ready for the car engine to roar to life however after turning the keys for a good five minutes nothing happens.

"That's odd it had lots of fuel last time I checked it shouldn't be empty" I turn the keys one more time still no reaction. I hop out of the car and open the front of the car. I don't know what it's called seeing as never in my life have I actually had to fix a car. Anyway back to the topic at hand nothing looked out of the ordinary actually I wouldn't know like I said I know nothing about cars.

My eyes narrow when I feel the presence of someone looking at me. I turn around and look in the forest for any sort of danger but spot nothing. Maybe I'm becoming paranoid after so many years of my life.

"Is there anything wrong?" I hear Noah ask in the car, he leaps out and comes to where I stand.

"I wouldn't know I've never fixed a car before so I wouldn't know if anything was wrong." Noah nods in I believe understanding.

"Let's call Tyler maybe he can come fix the car for us and bring us home." Winter offers showing his phone waving it in the air before jumping out too and what I assume calling Tyler. I hear a distant sound from behind me instantly snapping my head to the sound. Again nothing. It was too quiet though, no birds seemed to be singing, the forest was too quiet.

I turn around to continue looking at the car engine, I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. Suddenly my head filled with pain and I fell to the ground passing out. Slowly fading away, I hear the distant sounds of shouting and growls. After that I fell into the black silent abyss. Oh sometimes I really loved it when it was like this even if I knew that I was in danger this place was always my favourite.

Suddenly I was pulled out of my own dark conscious with cold water being thrown on me.

"Report to the Rogue King that he's awake" I heard the pattering of feet as someone ran off to find who ever this Rogue King man was. Why is it that I'm a dam magnet for danger like I know I powers but who the hell finds out about all this? And today was meant to be a fun, worriless day, wow how that turned out to be.

Without realizing a sharp sensation is brought to my cheek much to my annoyance.

"Can you tell me what the hell that was for?" I spit at the man who's face that I couldn't see.

"Ohh feisty, aren't we?" He tugs my chin, so I look up at him roughly might I add. "The Rogue King is sure to like you" he laughs like he made his own little joke.

"Sorry man but I didn't find it so funny try again though" why was it at this time that my mouth didn't shut up like before I was so quiet and never retorted look what I'm doing now. He glares down and raises his hand again but shortly stopped when someone grabs his wrist.

"This is our guest may I remind you that we do not hurt them" a deep alpha like voice warned throwing the man's hand away. He then looks down at me with a small smile. His eyes weren't smiling though.

"You sure do look after your guest huh might have to report back to whoever's in charge that the place is a shit hole. Might I add that the guest accommodation is poorly looked after as well as the guest." I sneered glaring at the man, but he does not seem to be too affected and only continues to smile.

"I apologize for his behaviour, please forgive us."

"Right, well this guest currently sitting on dirty, wet, cold ground wishes to leave so could you possibly let me go so I can kill you then run off" this wasn't a question more of a demand instead.

"Again, I apologize however this time I am unable to let you go." He roughly picks me up then throws me against the fall just remember my hands are currently restrained behind my back and I have no control over my powers, nor do I know how to use them. I look beside me to find Noah leaning against the wall lifelessly. Shit he got kidnapped too what about Winter? Did he make it out of alive? We are in deep shit.

"Oh, he's fine but I might let Xavier here take turn at having some fun with that boy there."

"NO" I scream and instantly use myself to hide Noah as much as possible even if it was completely fruitless and I wasn't a good situation myself, but I couldn't let anyone hurt Noah. No matter the cost, even my life. As Luna my job is to protect my pack members no matter what happens to me.

"Okay I won't let Dean touch him in exchange you are to give your powers to me." He moves his face close up to me but gets spat in the face in return.

"Sorry to disappoint but my so-called powers aren't for free and I definitely can't give them to you cause trust me if I knew I would've handed them over to you right now." That is a lie I can't because if this man had control over my power, we don't know what he could do and that's a risk I'm not willing to take.

I don't know what I can do but I must protect everyone else and Noah at the same time without giving anyone my abilities. It's going to be hard, but I have to pull through. A sudden kick to my ribs drags me back to my current situation. I clutch as my ribcage as if it's going to do anything to lessen the pain, sadly it doesn't.

"Stupid mutt" the man curses before turning around and leaving the cell but not before turning around. "Your useless mate is going to come pick you up at any time now oh, but don't you worry soon enough he'll be dead." He smirked then left.

I really do hope Taylor does end up saving me and Noah but please let him stay safe. 

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